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is it just me or.........

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  • #16
    Originally posted by captain_chaos View Post
    I'm not panicing, I'm giving this country all it's worth. If that's not enough then sod it I'm off outta here. My aspect on life really, what can I get out of it from what's worth putting in.
    "i hope yr right,i'm just picturing this time next yr,2 quid a litre,surf sat there,not able to put fuel in,and unable to sell it!

    it'll probably get that bad, just sit back and enjoy the ride or get off and stop it. It's your choice in the end.

    By the way, I'm a little drunk so I'd like to make this clear in any idito of the week tribunal lol
    There in lies the problem. If we all gave more then we took the world would be a far better place.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Apache View Post
      Thought as much. It came across when I said 'watch the morons panic buying' and you immediately said you'd get up early to make sure you got fuel!
      I'm still getting up early, gotta go to totton for 10am. On the scrounge for new job
      Hold my beer and watch this


      • #18
        Diesel will get to £2 a litre, some day!

        Stop fretting, it'll work out...
        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


        • #19
          Originally posted by yoshie View Post
          There in lies the problem. If we all gave more then we took the world would be a far better place.
          Ahhh, sense!

          The flipside is people just 'expect' things on a plate. God given right to a big telly and plenty of beer.

          If EVERYONE got stuck in and got their hands dirty, the UK could be a nice, fair, wealthy place to live.
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #20
            Originally posted by yoshie View Post
            There in lies the problem. If we all gave more then we took the world would be a far better place.
            tue, but it's not working. Maybe I'm judging them by my own standards (and maybe I'm drunk), but people are selfish. It seems there are a lot of backseat politicians here (I include myself as one of them) who talk a good way of running a country, but never see it carried out
            Hold my beer and watch this


            • #21
              Originally posted by Apache View Post
              Thought as much. It came across when I said 'watch the morons panic buying' and you immediately said you'd get up early to make sure you got fuel!
              I'm still wiping the tears away...
              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


              • #22
                Nothing to worry about mate.

                There age may be a contributing factor soon but i think we are past the massive price drops.

                I know one bloke who paid a bomb for his 2.4! Sold it when the first lot of 3.0ltrs starting being imported an im almost sure it was a 5 figure sum!

                All cars depreciate like a sack of spuds anyway! Parents have a Signum, sheet price was £27,000 - we paid £11,000 after 12 miles an one month! Its worth £5000 on a good day now! an the heap of sh!t is falling apart!!

                I hate new stuff


                • #23
                  I paid £5500 for mine about 3 1/2 years ago. You can get a decent 3rd gen now for £2k less than that. Do I care? Do I hell!
                  Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Apache View Post
                    I paid £5500 for mine about 3 1/2 years ago. You can get a decent 3rd gen now for £2k less than that. Do I care? Do I hell!
                    I paid £3000 for mine 2 years ago, spent nearly that again on repairing the dam thing (ok I did break it myself but not all the parts) so hey I'm stuck with it, and I'm going to enjoy it and make the most of it. Regardless of what some jumped up beureacrat in whitehall thinks is good for me.
                    Hold my beer and watch this


                    • #25
                      ill be selling mine soon i should imagine, only to buy a 3.0 litre tho lol especially if there goin cheap.


                      • #26
                        OK, lets have this bunch of t0ssers out as soon as they give us the opportunity and give the other lot a chance. (Lets be realistic here, its a two party system - dont waste your vote)

                        They'll undo everything this lot have done, then we can vote for the other lot again! Ad infinitum

                        We're fooked! Who's with me for a moon colony then?
                        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Apache View Post
                          OK, lets have this bunch of t0ssers out as soon as they give us the opportunity and give the other lot a chance. (Lets be realistic here, its a two party system - dont waste your vote)

                          They'll undo everything this lot have done, then we can vote for the other lot again! Ad infinitum

                          We're fooked! Who's with me for a moon colony then?
                          I've mooned before, I can do it again lol. But seriously, the time of change is comming lets not not waste it.
                          Hold my beer and watch this


                          • #28
                            It's all relative, what you put in, and what you get out!

                            How many people who buy cars ( of what ever type) get the enjoyment out of them that we get?????
                            And on such a regular basis??

                            Let's face it, not many, they use their cars to go from A to B every day going to their drudgingly boring jobs, and get no joy from them.

                            We however, go from A to B to our drudgingly boring jobs, in a surf, and get pleasure from driving it, and on several weekends a year get even more pleasure, driving them in the way the designers dreamed of, .................and some!!!!

                            it just costs us more on fuel, but maybe we could get together and buy fuel in bulk, or replace the old Toyota engines with more modern and economical ones, anything is possible on a forum such as this.

                            Can't say fairer than that!....
                            Last edited by plumb bob; 26 April 2008, 00:10.

                            Still working for the man!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by plumb bob View Post
                              It's all relative, what you put in, and what you get out!

                              How many people who buy cars ( of what ever type) get the enjoyment out of them that we get?????
                              And on such a regular basis??

                              Let's face it, not many, they use their cars to go from A to B every day going to their drudgingly boring jobs, and get no joy from them.

                              We however, go from A to B to our drudgingly boring jobs, in a surf, and get pleasure from driving it, and on several weekends a year get even more pleasure, driving them in the way the designers dreamed of, .................and some!!!!

                              it just costs us more on fuel, but maybe we could get together and buy fuel in bulk, or replace the old Toyota engines with more modern and economical ones, anything is possible on a forum such as this.

                              Can't say fairer than that!....
                              My sentiments exactly Rob ....
                              Does what it was designed to do n with a BIG
                              or in otherwords "It Does exactly as it says on the Tin"

                              There's always a Payback .... Ya just never see it Comin !!!!
                              Buncefield Burner


                              • #30
                                god i feel proud to know plumb bob !!!!!

                                i love the poomobile and dont feel like selling it ever.when i eventually kill it im going to have to have therapy!!
                                Non intercooled nothing.

