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Bank Charges Refund

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  • #16
    the well known high street banks also borrow money, from bigger central european banks and it sometimes slaps them back, Northern Rock etc, too many bad sub prime loans handed out and we all end up paying, Gov has to bail em out.

    yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


    • #17
      Aside from all this, years and years ago following some personal problems and moving house I had a free £1000 overdraft agreed with my bank. I still have it to this day. The bank keep trying to take it off me, and I keep saying no
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #18
        Originally posted by RodLeach View Post

        Biggest Banking company in Europe i think!?

        My Mum works for Abbey

        First thing santander did is introduce a brand new system... which doesn't actually work!! Its a heap of sh!t. Everyones had enough, staff and customers.

        I dont blame you for wanting to change banks mate an i doubt my mum would either!
        Aye thats the one! could'nt think of the name at the time,
        this seems to be happening with a lot of these big takeover's, freemans catalouge was the same, my wifes been with em for donkeys and then all of a sudden, cock ups and nasty phone call's, finishing with them as well,
        abbey were featured on that watchdog prog as being poor service/mistakes etc along with the likes of british gas, NTL (a dam sight better since virgin took em over)
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #19
          Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
          Aye thats the one! could'nt think of the name at the time,
          this seems to be happening with a lot of these big takeover's, freemans catalouge was the same, my wifes been with em for donkeys and then all of a sudden, cock ups and nasty phone call's, finishing with them as well,
          abbey were featured on that watchdog prog as being poor service/mistakes etc along with the likes of british gas, NTL (a dam sight better since virgin took em over)
          Completly agree!

          The watchdog program had a section filmed outside Romsey branch featuring ex staff member Kate - HOT!!

          Good point on the Virgin takeover of NTL! Ive been unable to move the past 3 days, still cant really talk an the On Demand service has been a god send!

          Ive seen just shy of 9 hours of skins series 1. 7 hours of Band of Brothers. too many movies to mention aswell as loads of programs id missed etc!!

          Absolutly fantastic! Only problem is now when i stop watching regular tv i keep pressing stop!

