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1st gen in afghanistan !

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  • 1st gen in afghanistan !

    did anyone else watch a program last night on the bbc ! there was an a dude travelling all over the world looking at differant things' ! ANYWAY ,he wanted to visit some (islamic)temple 7 hours drive from KABUL...his taxi turned up and low and behold they had a 1st gen and a late 2 gen and an old style prado !! ! his security escort from the police were using ford rangers(thanx uncle sam)
    i thought it was amazing to see a couple of our beloved trucks RAGGED across afghanistan ! sommat to think about next time you enter tesco carpark ! lol
    quiet incredible


    oh yeah NICE petrol cap STICKER ! "apache"
    " loving my surf "

  • #2
    Didn't see that programme, but have you noticed any news report showing terrorsit groups, militias, rebel uprisings etc. They're all going around in toyota 4x4s.
    Hold my beer and watch this


    • #3
      Originally posted by fatboy33 View Post
      did anyone else watch a program last night on the bbc ! there was an a dude travelling all over the world looking at differant things' ! ANYWAY ,he wanted to visit some (islamic)temple 7 hours drive from KABUL...his taxi turned up and low and behold they had a 1st gen and a late 2 gen and an old style prado !! ! his security escort from the police were using ford rangers(thanx uncle sam)
      i thought it was amazing to see a couple of our beloved trucks RAGGED across afghanistan ! sommat to think about next time you enter tesco carpark ! lol
      quiet incredible


      oh yeah NICE petrol cap STICKER ! "apache"
      Cruikshanks Travels I think .... we watch it regularly ...
      1st Gens, 2nd gen Surfs, Hdj's

      There's always a payback .... Ya just never see it Comin !!!!
      Buncefield Burner

