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double bill

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  • double bill

    virgin meda have been double billing me
    so today i go to war so i may have the servis ripped out
    i have hads my account with blueyonder for 8 years now with no asle at all
    since virgin have taken over the servis is slopy
    they just keep double billing me
    servis charges are appering on my bills ? no one knows why
    funny that init

    so now i got a 186 quid bill fot 1 mounth again
    last mounth was 60 quid
    so thats a double bill with about 50 quid stuck on it

    i will chop the wires off at the street and remove it from my property
    if they dont sort it out

    so if i get cutt off for a few days ya all know why
    i be phoneing them in about 40 mins after this cuppa and mi smoke
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

  • #2
    Good luck with it mate - I have to say though, I don't get any trouble, apart from my home phone, never seems to ring, just goes to VM all the time.....weird....
    Too old to care, young enough to remember


    • #3
      Unfortunate turn of events mate. I've been with Telewest / Virgin Media for over 6 years and never had any bother, then again I've never had bother with my bank account, gas / electricity supplier, council tax, water rates etc although I know people who have had problems with all of the above.

      Why does it seem that once a problem arises it takes such a lot of hassle to sort out? Incompetence, computer error? (Although it's rarely or never the computers fault, it just does as it's programmed to do).

      I once had a right ding dong when some stroppy cow, who was very nasty, told my daughter she wasn't paying her electricity bill, which she was by the way as it was coming out of my bank account and I had proof. When I phoned up I went ballistic, without shouting or swearing I may add, and finally got through to someone who was evidently trained to handle such calls. This pleasant, calm, efficient lady had the matter sorted in less than an hour, she even phoned me back to apologise for the trouble!

      Stick with it mate, try not lose your rag otherwise you just p!ss off some poor teleworker (unless they're stroppy of course) and try to speak to a supervisor.

      Good luck!
      'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


      • #4
        i never lose my rag on the phone its easyer to get my piont across

        well i had some funn with it
        i can not get a full answer out of them about my bills been sky high
        but my bills have been lowed by me to 20 quid a mounth
        i have had some servis taken off
        so i can monitor it a bit better

        mad thing is they told me i will be reseving some money back
        how this is i dont know
        but i will wait to see what it is first before i count mi chickhens
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

