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Fuel prices

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  • Fuel prices

    Noted a few other threads skirting around the subject, but who else here thinks One f**king pound f**king 20 f**king pence is a little too much to be paying for diesel?

    Who else thinks this govt are pulling our plonkers?

    I k now I'm late but I did have a big haul of cheap veg that I've just run out of, and now face stupid prices for that (for a different reason)

    Anyone esle think its time for some serious action? BIG long term blockades etc? I dont mind walking for a while...
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    i'll lose my job if there's no fuel...
    i need 300l per day for one vehicle...

    it's ok for car drivers to moan that it's gone up a fiver a week... but try an increase of £60 per day!!... since christmas!!!

    and no, we don't get any discount... Bunker price is often MORE than pump price!!!
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      nice idea but most people are financially f**ked without fuel. no fuel means i can't work which means i can't pay for my cars which i need for work which means they get repossessed and then it wouldn't matter if fuel was 2p a litre coz i wouldn't be able to afford that!

      and since people in this situation are those most affected by fuel costs, you're not going to get those who don't need to use the car giving a shoit coz they're happy to 'go green' and feel good about themselves.

      we're too late to start trying to change things now.

      when the country first went into europe is when we should have all downed tools and said NO FU*KING WAY YOU TO55ERS!!!

      what we should do is all fill up when we want to and drive off and when it goes to court all come out with the same line...'oh, i'm sorry, i thought daylight robbery was perfectly fecking legal in this country now!!!!'
      i swear, it was like that when i got here...


      • #4
        You know, when I leaned into the truck to get my wallet after paying £30 for HALF A TANK tonight, it crossed my mind...

        Its not the garage owners fault though. We are taxed to f**king death in this country and if we just keep paying whatever tax they decide to charge us, it will keep going up. Sooner or later, someone is going to have to stand up and say 'ENOUGH!!!!"

        Slug, I feel for you, I really do, but what about when you're paying £200 a day more this time next year? What then?
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          I costs me £400-£500 per month to get to work, ie £100-£120 a week in fuel, and I only take home about £350/week so it f**king kills me!

          The next gov that halves fuel duty, and takes the money from the scrounging junkies and the rich f**kers gets my vote.

          Still working for the man!


          • #6
            they'll have to put the price of veg oil up to cover the cost of transportation!

            no fuel would affect car drivers first, but when the transport companies use up their supplys, there will be nothing in the shops and basically the country will come to a halt.

            no electricity, no trains, no buses, no food, no water

            on the plus side, the roads will be clear!
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


            • #7
              The next govt that send the scrounging junkies to Iraq, kicks lazy tw@ts out of their council houses to do the work that the low paid Poles are doing right now, gets my vote...

              Oh damn there I go again being all Non-PC.
              Cutting steps in the roof of the world


              • #8
                Originally posted by plumb bob View Post
                I costs me £400-£500 per month to get to work, ie £100-£120 a week in fuel, and I only take home about £350/week so it f**king kills me!

                The next gov that halves fuel duty, and takes the money from the scrounging junkies and the rich f**kers gets my vote.
                get a smaller car or move closer to work... maybe change jobs?
                nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Apache View Post
                  The next govt that send the scrounging junkies to Iraq, kicks lazy tw@ts out of their council houses to do the work that the low paid Poles are doing right now, gets my vote...

                  Oh damn there I go again being all Non-PC.

                  I'm right behind you......................Ooooo eeeerrrr Missus....

                  Still working for the man!


                  • #10
                    Clear roads. I wont get run over walking the 4 miles to work then.

                    You go for it. As soon as there's no fuel on the forecourts, no bread in the shops, then the w@nky limp wristed excuse for a goverment we've got will have to start working for their ludicrous salary and expenses.

                    Its not a valid statement saying 'move closer to work'. Generally, house prices close to areas on high employement are higher, but the current wages dont support the necessary mortgages.

                    Its a mess we've made for ourselves by continually voting incompetent 'roll over while I tickle your belly' ######s into positions of power. The sooner we say 'f*** off' to europe, kick our lazy sh*ts into work and (god, it makes me sick) side with uncle sam, the sooner we'll be able to offer our people a good standar of living again.
                    Last edited by Apache; 19 April 2008, 00:18.
                    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Apache View Post
                      Clear roads. I wont get run over walking the 4 miles to work then.

                      You go for it. As soon as there's no fuel on the forecourts, no bread in the shops, then the w@nky limp wristed excuse for a goverment we've got will have to start working for their ludicrous salary and expenses.

                      Its not a valid statement saying 'move closer to work'. Generally, house prices close to areas on high employement are higher, but the current wages dont support the necessary mortgages.

                      Its a mess we've made for ourselves by continually voting incompetent 'roll over while I tickle your belly' ######s into positions of power. The sooner we say 'f*** off' to europe, kick our lazy sh*ts into work and (god, it makes me sick) side with uncle sam, the sooner we'll be able to offer our people a good standar of living again.

                      Hear hear, Apache for Prime Minister!!!

                      Still working for the man!


                      • #12
                        Oh dont. Give me 2 weeks, I'd sort this country out from being the worlds laughing stock whipping boy (someone MUST be bunging Brown and his cronies lots of dosh to let the world treat us like sh1t) to hopefully a country that stands on its own two feet again.

                        There was a time when we were innovators, inventors and engineers. We were leaders in heavy engineering and aviation not 40 years ago. Now we are close to 3rd world with our sh1te PC 'must'nt offend the terrorists who want to kill our children' attitude.

                        It would take some dirty decisions, and some stick from elsewhere, but I think its necessary. Some areas of this country are close to civil unrest, and all of us are being stiffed for ridiculous taxation for little or no benefit. Something has got to (and WILL) give sooner or later.
                        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                        • #13
                          We need the old victorian attitude, "F*ck the rest of the world, we gonna do what's best for us"

                          That's what made this country great, not these bleeding heart liberal c**k suckers.

                          EDIT: Pardon my French!

                          Still working for the man!


                          • #14
                            Definitely! You can bet most other countries are doing whats best for them. They laugh at us cos our tree-hugging multi colour hand knitted pullover, hand painted doc marten wearing leftie tw@ts wont let us. They'd rather send mung beans to mongolian hill farmers!

                            Sorry, we've done loads for other countries in the past, and all they do is kick us in the ######## for our efforts. Lets put our own folk first for a change.

                            It doesn't have to mean treading on anyone elses toes, lets just support OUR country, our industry, our people. If others dont like it, well tough sh1t. Work yourselves out of whatever hole your in. Eastern Europe, we aren't to blame cos you thought you'd be better off independent of Russia. You weren't. Your mistake. Tough.

                            Middle East. We thought we could secure your oil easily for uncle sam. Its got a bit dirty. Our mistake, we're off. Sort yourselves out. Oh, and stop terrorising us, or we'll bomb the sh1t out of you. We got the nukes. Not you. Beware.

                            I'm not really this extreme, this was for effect. I'm just sick of the sh1t we take day in day out. Thats what breeds extremism. If we dont want to see an upsurge of extremists like BNP, the current govt needs to act and provide for its incumbent population rather than pandering to minorities who want the moon on a stick.

                            Vote Apache!
                            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Apache View Post
                              Definitely! You can bet most other countries are doing whats best for them. They laugh at us cos our tree-hugging multi colour hand knitted pullover, hand painted doc marten wearing leftie tw@ts wont let us. They'd rather send mung beans to mongolian hill farmers!

                              Sorry, we've done loads for other countries in the past, and all they do is kick us in the ######## for our efforts. Lets put our own folk first for a change.

                              It doesn't have to mean treading on anyone elses toes, lets just support OUR country, our industry, our people. If others dont like it, well tough sh1t. Work yourselves out of whatever hole your in. Eastern Europe, we aren't to blame cos you thought you'd be better off independent of Russia. You weren't. Your mistake. Tough.

                              Middle East. We thought we could secure your oil easily for uncle sam. Its got a bit dirty. Our mistake, we're off. Sort yourselves out. Oh, and stop terrorising us, or we'll bomb the sh1t out of you. We got the nukes. Not you. Beware.

                              I'm not really this extreme, this was for effect. I'm just sick of the sh1t we take day in day out. Thats what breeds extremism. If we dont want to see an upsurge of extremists like BNP, the current govt needs to act and provide for its incumbent population rather than pandering to minorities who want the moon on a stick.

                              Vote Apache!
                              Strangly enough, that doesn't sound extreme to me, maybe I've become numbed by all the Islamic extremists in the world??

                              Still working for the man!

