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microsoft assholes!!!!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Slugsie View Post
    But how did you try to backup the database. Did you use an option within Office Accounting? Did you use an external backup program (BTW, the Backup App within Vista has been dumbed down so much as to be virtually useless in all but a few circumstances), of did you simply copy the file(s) somewhere else? With something so important I'd be putting a backup onto CD/DVD, and ideally keeping those backups at another location (in case the building burns down).
    I used an option within Office Accounting.
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    • #32
      Originally posted by MattF View Post
      Not being disagreeable just for the sake of it,
      Yes you are - unless you're ill, you're not ill are you - God, this thing with Charlie missing free stuff, and you not being disagreeable - it's worse than Avian Flu!!!!

      I only said it, as if you are a new comer to the forum and see that....maybe I'm being soft.....
      Too old to care, young enough to remember


      • #33
        Originally posted by MudSurfer View Post
        maybe I'm being soft.....
        Don't worry. Dark room, length of hose, cold tap and we'll have you back to norm in no time flat.


        • #34
          Originally posted by MattF View Post
          Not being disagreeable just for the sake of it, but how the hell is this title liable to cause offence? M$ are @rseholes. Period. Thread content is pretty moot where that point is concerned. They've been hawking sh1te for years just for the simple reason that they can.
          MS are not @rse holes. Period. (not sure how a corporate entity could be said to have an @rsehole mind)

          All the MS staff that I have dealt with over the years as a beta tester have been very professional, conscientious, pleasant people. Luckily I have not had to deal with anyone in marketing.

          I could just as easily level similar complaints at Apple. They have been hawking over-priced under performing sh1te for years for the simple reason that there are still a few idiots who buy into their marketing hype. I would sooner stick red hot pokers in my eye than buy an Apple product. They (and a lot of other companies) repeatedly get away with tactics and antics that would very quickly have MS up in court for anti competitive practices.
          Paul </Slugsie>
          Immortal.so far!


          • #35
            The other reason I said it, is the company I work for has a JV with Microsoft, and all the people we deal with are excellent!

            (Matt - how long do I need to be in the room for, only we're picking Nina's Surf up on Sunday......)
            Too old to care, young enough to remember


            • #36
              Originally posted by Slugsie View Post
              MS are not @rse holes. Period. (not sure how a corporate entity could be said to have an @rsehole mind)

              All the MS staff that I have dealt with over the years as a beta tester have been very professional, conscientious, pleasant people. Luckily I have not had to deal with anyone in marketing.
              I really do wish people would pay attention to what I write, and not interpret. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Did I say M$ employees? No, I did not. Did I say M$? Yes, I did. M$ refers to the corporate entity itself, which therefore relates to the people in control of that corporation. Hence, M$ are @rseholes. You can paint sh1t white, but it's still sh1t.


              • #37
                Originally posted by MudSurfer View Post
                (Matt - how long do I need to be in the room for, only we're picking Nina's Surf up on Sunday......)
                Just long enough for that PC attitude to say good riddance.

                p.s: The water is ice cold.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Slugsie View Post
                  They (and a lot of other companies) repeatedly get away with tactics and antics
                  Btw, no disagreement there.


                  • #39
                    No reply for over 3hrs.

                    I here by declare the winner!!! Matt


                    • #40
                      Hope they ain't getting too comfy in the dark with that hose.


                      • #41
                        Same thing has just happened again after installing service pack 1 for Office Accounting!Quickbooks here I come,either that or pen and paper!!!!
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