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tech weekend thank you

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  • tech weekend thank you

    i would like to say a big THANK YOU to woodzie n family for holding the tech weekend.
    n to woodzies little un for helping make the coffee/teas etc he's a credit you guys n he made me laugh it broke alot of my nervousness.
    n for the lovely evening n wonderful breakfast.

    THANK YOU to stein for making my dreams come true your a real m8 hope i can repay you someday like if your plans all go fine i can come up n help but what help i could be i dont really know but i would try.

    THANK YOU to caretaker n wife for letting me n mudsurfer stay in the tent in their garden n for the coffe's in the morning n for helping put the tent up n taking it down.

    THANK YOU everyone who helped work on my truck n make my dreams become reality.

    it was nice to meet everyone n put names to faces i havent met before.

    n no its not true bout apache being a grump it was nice to meet you also m8 long time in coming but was worth it m8.

    n yes ok i will admit when i left tonight i got so far up the road n broke down in tears for all the help everyone gave me n done for me, sorry but that the type of guy i am the past fortnight i have been on a high n now im on a even higher high big smile on my face n to see my girls faces light up you guys are heros.

    i will sort pics out in a bit