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Strange laptop happenings...

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  • #16
    Sounds like your OS has been compromised by some kind of virus or trojan. Generally caused by users logging into the system as an administrator, which allows access to all system files.

    There are ways of rectifying things such as the use of stinger and several others, but to be honest, if you have the system recovery discs, then its usually less time consuming and much easier to recover to factory default. Before doing so, disconnect from router\modem to prevent access to the outside world, perform a "COMPLETE" recovery of OS (XP Pro), configure to your personal preference, then install and configure any other applications, printer and any other peripherals. Once done, create a user (limited) account for yourself to use and only ever log into the system as an administrator to run diagnostics etc. If you ever need to install further applications, use the "RUNAS" command.

    When using the recovery media supplied with you system, don't be tempted to overwrite the previous installation, perform a "COMPLETE" recovery of the system.

    If at first you don't succeed,
    Destroy all evidence that you even tried.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Apache View Post
      Is it worth upgrading to IE7?
      Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Also make certain that you are completely up to date with Windows Update.

      Oh, and install an alternative browser too (either FireFox or Opera, doesn't matter which). That way should you have any problems in the future you can just fire it up to research the problem and find the fix.
      Paul </Slugsie>
      Immortal.so far!


      • #18
        you have the booga virus by the sounds of it
        its the same thing i just got rid of
        its tricking you in to messing with them pop ups
        its realy after all the others that you are in contact with on the internet
        once its got them
        it will go for your netbois id (kills your computer) takes about 12 days to do this
        it will stop you posting and righting online
        just check if your system restore is locked to the date all this started to happen if the answer is yes then its the booga virus
        if the answers no then do a system restore to a date that is was all ok
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #19
          You could just get rid of the skanky O.S and install something proper instead.


          • #20
            Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
            you have the booga virus by the sounds of it
            its the same thing i just got rid of
            its tricking you in to messing with them pop ups
            its realy after all the others that you are in contact with on the internet
            once its got them
            it will go for your netbois id (kills your computer) takes about 12 days to do this
            it will stop you posting and righting online
            just check if your system restore is locked to the date all this started to happen if the answer is yes then its the booga virus
            if the answers no then do a system restore to a date that is was all ok
            Can you provide some on-line reference to this 'Booga' virus? I've had a quick look and I can't find anything in the Norton, McAfee, or F-Secure virus databases, nor anywhere else.
            Paul </Slugsie>
            Immortal.so far!


            • #21
              Cant find anything in the Stinger library either. Maybe he's winding us up

              Was working this morning with no odd happenings, though I think when i've gathered the drivers together I'll do a clean install.
              Cutting steps in the roof of the world


              • #22
                its not a wined up
                its the wrong thing that i spelt
                booga is something else i have reading up oncheck out this
                msn pop up virus
                you dont have to have msn
                its got clever now
                i can not beleave that i have been putting booga in emails too

                ps i got it the same way i only came on here 30 seconds later i had poip up
                am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                • #23
                  Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                  its not a wined up
                  its the wrong thing that i spelt
                  booga is something else i have reading up oncheck out this
                  msn pop up virus
                  you dont have to have msn
                  its got clever now
                  i can not beleave that i have been putting booga in emails too

                  ps i got it the same way i only came on here 30 seconds later i had poip up
                  Sorry, I still can't find anything in any of the online virus databases. Google returns nearly 300,000 results for 'msn pop up virus', and most of the results I've looked at don't seem to tally with what you're mentioning. Can you give us the specific name given to it by one of the anti-virus applications (each A/V app/vendor seems to use a different name for each virus which just makes the problem a little harder), or tell us which A/V you're using that found this virus?

                  BTW, it's vitally important that you (that's everyone, not specifically you JudWak) use an anti-virus application when running Windows, and that you keep it's definitions up to date daily. Virtually all of them will get updated within a day or two for pretty much every new virus that appears. There are several good free A/V apps if you don't feel like forking out for one. I use AVG Free which does a good job, and I have used Avast in the past too.
                  Paul </Slugsie>
                  Immortal.so far!


                  • #24
                    i use norton normaly
                    but its uninstalled
                    it dont see this virus
                    iam useing no AV atm found it out my self but it was too late for me
                    i had to do a full system format
                    what i can tell you
                    it was made on 6th april 2006 has (msn pop up virus)
                    it seems to spread about every april
                    but it better now that in 2006 its harder to detect
                    i can give you a list of progames that it use's but the list it endless realy

                    please just check your system restore
                    if its locked to the date of infection then its this virus iam talking about

                    the booga virus is a ww2 nazi virus i been reading about (sorry)
                    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                    • #25
                      well this virus u got is a common one lately...
                      We had a few in the shop over the last couple days,
                      It only sneaks in when ur windows updates are not up to date in both vista and XP.
                      The best way really is to save ur data and re-install.
                      Make sure u don't just a recovery disc tho but a proper windows disc as otherwise it will keep ur registry settings and the virus will come back within a few days.
                      It has roots in both the registry and system32.

                      If u cant sort it mate u can always send it me with a return postage and I will sort it for u inc saving data, I am microsoft verified...
                      And I will send it back..
                      or PM or call me 079 741 749 12 and i'll send u a proper disc to use if u want..
                      One day at the time I guess..


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                        i use norton normaly
                        but its uninstalled
                        it dont see this virus
                        iam useing no AV atm found it out my self but it was too late for me
                        i had to do a full system format
                        what i can tell you
                        it was made on 6th april 2006 has (msn pop up virus)
                        it seems to spread about every april
                        but it better now that in 2006 its harder to detect
                        i can give you a list of progames that it use's but the list it endless realy
                        OK, well if the virus is 2 years old now, then it should be at least detected by pretty much every reputable A/V software available, and most of them should be able to clean it up too. Additionally, it sounds like keeping on top of Windows Updates helps.

                        My general advice still stands. Install a reputable A/V, and update it daily. Install Windows Updates when they are made available (generally the 2nd Tuesday of the month). For any software that you use regularly that connects directly to the internet, periodically check that you have that up to date. Also, use software like AdAware and Spybot Search and Destroy regularly. Following those simple steps (and yes, they are simple, and will quickly become second nature) will keep you safe 99.999% of the time.
                        Paul </Slugsie>
                        Immortal.so far!


                        • #27
                          the stuff may still be there in the Rootkit (ie top level admin).
                          We had a virus hit a pc recently and was running latest AVG and it didn't find anything.

                          Alot of the viruses are now being written to attack the rootkit and to turn off the antivirus databases (mcafee, avg and others) so that the scanning doesn't find the viruses above the service account that your virus engines are running in. They are also dropping a lot of trojan droppers (ie trojan horse) methods that some have already spoke about (you click on an email attachment and it does nothing, whereas in fact its loaded itself)

                          Some good virus engines I've used
                          Spyware Doctor
                          SuperAntiSpyware - Spyware stuff
                          Adaware - for ads
                          Spybot Search & destroy - this now has a registry change protection system

                          Check your windows\system32 folder and organise the files by date and look at the timestamp. There may be some files there that are a mixture of alphabetical and numerical characters. This is what happened on the PC here and one of my friends machines, the virus was cleaned but the virus would reload itself from the system32 folder / rootkit and the registry

