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front light prob

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  • front light prob

    hi all,
    ty for info on the last thread regarding prob with my lights after finally sorting the problem i been left with another problem my front lights have had a cibie tuning system fitted to them and i a blown a relay i been every where i could think of and every where they could send me but no body seems to be able to help. i have managed to by-pass the upgrade on one side but left the other side as is the problem is i can't find no where in the uk that supply up-grade harness systems for my lights or even just the relay, the relay is 6 pinned relay with a built in 20 amp fuse. does anybody know of anywhere in southampton or close citys if not a mail order place that might be able to help as i would like to get sorted proberly.
    ty all for any info
    davey boy.
    Last edited by Davey boy; 11 April 2008, 22:26.

  • #2
    any numbers or anything on the relay to identify it?
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      Why not wire them from scratch?
      You just need a relay a switch and some 20amp wire.

