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Motorcross bikes and Bridle paths...

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  • Motorcross bikes and Bridle paths...

    I thought I'd ask on here as you guys seem hot on where and where not to go...

    We live right out in the sticks on the edge of a big park, and a forest set well back from the nearest public road. Very peaceful

    There is a bridle path that runs along the side of our property crossing our drive at the forests edge for walkers horses and the odd cyclist... over the last couple of years there have been the odd motorcross bike, really loud and noisy and riding totally recklessly (i.e. utterly flat out) which totally shatters the peace, scared the animals/horses and is an accident waiting to happen. (Lots of family groups walking with children etc)

    Recently there have been more bikes, modified with race (or no?) exhausts to be extra loud, riding even faster, as well as the odd quad...

    My family has always been under the belief that bridle paths are for walkers and horses only, no motorised vehicles whatsoever... a mate of mine thinks it’s legal for them... can anyone shed any light??

    I have tried to confront one of them before by rolling out to block the path forcing them to slow down/stop but they turned round and shot off in the other direction.... now they just waves two fingers at the house when they fly past...

    I can't see the situation getting any better... anyone got any ideas or suggestions??

    More Lift.
    More Tyres.
    More Engine.

  • #2
    is this from the man who got stuck in a field without permission

    sorry had to get in first before some other smartass
    Only Toyota can get you out of shite


    • #3
      Bridleway......Horses walkers and i think cyclists only .......NO motorised transport
      ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


      • #4
        Do you have a Mem Map view of the area ?,

        How is the bridleway represented ?

        Can you get to it from here (you might need to zoom in) and possibly do a screen print ?

        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


        • #5
          Originally posted by Karma Supra View Post
          I thought I'd ask on here as you guys seem hot on where and where not to go...

          We live right out in the sticks on the edge of a big park, and a forest set well back from the nearest public road. Very peaceful

          There is a bridle path that runs along the side of our property crossing our drive at the forests edge for walkers horses and the odd cyclist... over the last couple of years there have been the odd motorcross bike, really loud and noisy and riding totally recklessly (i.e. utterly flat out) which totally shatters the peace, scared the animals/horses and is an accident waiting to happen. (Lots of family groups walking with children etc)

          Recently there have been more bikes, modified with race (or no?) exhausts to be extra loud, riding even faster, as well as the odd quad...

          My family has always been under the belief that bridle paths are for walkers and horses only, no motorised vehicles whatsoever... a mate of mine thinks it’s legal for them... can anyone shed any light??

          I have tried to confront one of them before by rolling out to block the path forcing them to slow down/stop but they turned round and shot off in the other direction.... now they just waves two fingers at the house when they fly past...

          I can't see the situation getting any better... anyone got any ideas or suggestions??

          This will tell you. http://www.bridlerides.co.uk/law.html
          Trust your Hound.


          • #6
            You need to get the law involved, even if you 'engineer' a near miss or something. This kind of rubbish needs to be stopped ASAP, these people are responsable for the c rap respectable offroaders get.

            Even if its a byway, vehicles must be road legal, and driven with due care and attention.
            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


            • #7
              Joker.. there is always one

              Cheers for the links Folks, the OS map clearly identifys it as a Bridle way... and Taliesins Link clearly shows that bridle ways are open to walkers, horses and cyclists...

              The problem is its hard to enforce... they scream through and don't stop.. Most of the bikes don't have plates on them, and those that do are covered with mud and go past too fast.. I can't really see the Police doing much?

              Last edited by Karma Supra; 6 April 2008, 18:47.
              More Lift.
              More Tyres.
              More Engine.

