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Can You Believe This!!!!!!!

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  • Can You Believe This!!!!!!!

    Tesco have put there pura oil up from 56p to a ripof price of £ 1.07 a ltr furious3:

  • #2
    i noticed that aswell but never thought about it till this post


    • #3
      Feel free to add your comments to our chorus of grizzles sent to enquiries@oft.gov.uk

      The more that complain the more chance of someone deciding that the matter needs investigating.
      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


      • #4
        Not sure what the OFT are going to do - seems like its just the laws of supply and demand kicking in - and while there are so many essentially identical products to choose from at so many other retailers I can't see a charge of profiteering sticking. I picked up 60 litres at the old price on Thursday and I reckon there must have been dozens of others doing the same as me. I certainly wasn't expecting Tesco not to notice the increased demand for that particular product - or the 59p price tag to last. Ever noticed what happens to air fares to European destinations when a Britsh team wins through to the later stages of a sports tournament (Rugby world cup for example) - sudden rush of demand and tripling of prices - and nobody expects it to be any other way. As soon as Tesco notice that nobody is buying at the higher price it will probably drop back down - but not as far as 59p.


        • #5
          Well at that price, it'll certainly cap demand, The only reason to buy veg oil was the fact that it was half the price, this was fine as there were maintenance issues involved with burning veg oil, but these were out weighed by the cost.
          Now that cost is almost the same as derv, I might as well buy that, and save the hassle and leaking fuel pumps and all.

          I think they've just shot themselves in the foot, as nobody will bu it at that price, unless you need to cook something that is.

          Also have you noticed how the price of most food has almost doubled in the past two months??

          Won't be able to afford to eat soon, let alone pay a mortgage or rent

          Still working for the man!


          • #6
            Originally posted by plumb bob View Post
            Also have you noticed how the price of most food has almost doubled in the past two months??

            Won't be able to afford to eat soon, let alone pay a mortgage or rent
            Supply and demand again - about two billion Chinese and Indians earning real money for the first time ever are deciding they want a diet somewhat better than a handful of rice. A couple of poor world harvests and we'll soon be fighting over it. Expect a comeback for the allotment.


            • #7
              Originally posted by tavvi View Post
              Supply and demand again - about two billion Chinese and Indians earning real money for the first time ever are deciding they want a diet somewhat better than a handful of rice. A couple of poor world harvests and we'll soon be fighting over it. Expect a comeback for the allotment.

              Yes, I heard on the radio that the allotments are making a comeback, and did you know that if you ask for an allotment, your local authority are legally obliged to provide you with one, not put you on a list, provide one .....now!

              And ( I know you shouldn't start a centence with "and") from this weekend, the responsibility for stray dogs moves from the polce to the local authority, and it is a citizens duty, if they come across a stay dog, to hand it over to the local authority, who are legally obliged to take it to a place of safety..............yeah right, that'll work.

              Still working for the man!

