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  • @Fordy

    Hello mate!

    Hope you get back ok, Was good meeting you today!! Do you have any contact details of your mate? I think i might join the club! Seems silly not too as one place is local!

    Interested to see how that guy with the white disco will get home!! poor s*d!

    Take it easy buddy

  • #2
    Cheers Rod, yes home okay apart from many hours later than I promised and an annoyed missus!

    I had to recover this pc so lost his email, and he's changed jobs and I'm not sure if I've got the current mobile or not. Txt sent to him, if he doesn't get back I can get hold of him thru other friends. I'll pm you you when I get correct details.

    Thanks again for coming out to meet me. Your truck looks awesome on those 35's

    That Disco did look a bit fubar'ed!


    try http://www.reads4x4.com/julian.htm
    Last edited by Fordy; 31 March 2008, 22:57.
    Wax on, wax off

