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For those who hate traffic wardens.......

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  • For those who hate traffic wardens.......

    10 more reasons........ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/liv...n_page_id=1770
    Last edited by BioHazard; 28 March 2008, 22:19.
    ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'

  • #2
    That article is hillarious!! The other day I went to the doctors surgery and found a Police Car parked in the disabled bay even though there were lots of spaces in the car park!! double standards me thinks!!
    Work to Live NOT Live to Work!!!


    • #3
      someone in Warwick got one for putting their disabled badge on their dash upside down....
      The council cancelled it, then quoted the thank you letter in a full page ad in the local rag to show how 'fair' they are!!!!
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #4
        My mate was getting me some heavy duty padlocks for nothing and I popped round to pick em up.

        came out to a £40 parking ticket.

        not such cheap padlocks afterall.

        yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


        • #5
          You can understand why we get pi**ed off with traffic wardens.

          A case reported in our local daily paper yesterday was of a bloke who got a ticket for parking briefly outside a bank in a small, local shopping area. He subsequently got into his vehicle and drove at high speed at three traffic wardens who happened to be in the carpark nearby!! He was cleared of dangerous driving but has been found guily of careless driving and intimidation, and is currently awaiting reports for sentencing!!!

          Oh, I forgot to say, his vehicle - A TOYOTA HI LUX

          Cheers, Nick
          "The force will be with you, always!"


          • #6
            look what i found



            • #7
              Anna Friel walking down the road?? WTF are you taking Rod?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                Anna Friel walking down the road?? WTF are you taking Rod?
                the surf behind her!

                i dunno why i clicked on a link about Anna friel.......

                but still!!! SURF!! (not that we havent all seen one)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
                  WTF has that got to do with traffic wardens
                  How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bibs View Post
                    WTF has that got to do with traffic wardens
                    theres a surf in the background

                    damn your an unobservant lot!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
                      theres a surf in the background

                      damn your an unobservant lot!

                      Ha ha ha well I would have had an excuse if I was a bloke but what can I say......
                      How can I be lost when I've got no where to go

