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Cv Boots

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  • Cv Boots

    i gotta do my cv boots on one side when im well and weather picks up,
    heres the problem, i ordered inner & outer from rougthtrax
    part number on the part that came does not match that on there website
    so how do i tell which is inner and outer? all i know is one is abit longer than
    the other!

    i not been to look on truck as im realy not well at the min, so im staying in!

    got me bronze bush inner and outer aswell so the whole side is gettin looked after.

    cv boots and bronze bush all on same side should only take a day to do, yes?

  • #2
    no worrys ive sorted it, stored my energy and started it at 2:40pm
    and packed up at 6:30
    i managed to do the inner & outer cv boots and bronze bush inner & outer

    alls left to do is put new gasket on hub plate and fit, the 6 or 7 bolts need tightening
    on the driveshft, got to get a new castle nut for steerin balljoint, put one strap on
    inner cv boot and refit wheel. so all in all not bad i think as im not very well
    i only planned to get it on axle stands and have the wheel off ready for tomorrow.


    • #3
      good effort mate, feels good getting some work done on the truck, dont it?

      yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


      • #4
        Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
        good effort mate, feels good getting some work done on the truck, dont it?

        i don't know bout that, felt like crap had sun in my eyes while lyin down
        and split my ###### thumb open
        so as you can see it didn't feel great but at least im 2/3rds the way finished!

