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How much would you be prepared to pay for bio-diesel

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  • How much would you be prepared to pay for bio-diesel

    Prepared by a laboratory which is effectively methanol and caustic free?

    And would you be prepared to buy it in drums or would you want it added by the supplier a' la old fashioned petrol station forecourt style?

    (Given a derv price of £1.12/litre)


    Signature stolen along with Surf...

  • #2
    i'd buy a drum !! ! where do we get it ? ? ? is there a delivery
    my local independent garage says they will sell bio diesal if i can find them a supply ! !! ! any ideas ! were just outside honiton DEVON and can take a few thousand litre's at a time i'd imagine ! ! !

    " loving my surf "


    • #3
      £1.12 a litre... ahhh that takes me back. £1.16 a litre round here, robbing barstewards.

      I reckon probably 90p ish a litre, given the slightly reduced mpg usually available from bio, otherwise I'd probably just continue with the old veggie / diesel mix at similar cost.

      Chris, send your address again as per my email. Can send your stickers then
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #4

        At the moment I have about 300millilitres, so a little way short

        I think the transport costs would be a severely limiting factor as we just wouldn't be producing it on such a large scale.


        Signature stolen along with Surf...


        • #5
          my bio place is 99p/l at the mo!!!!
          Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


          • #6
            If i start at 70ppl you can bid me up to around 90 and i'll be happy. I'd prefer something like 5 gallon drums and i'd probably come and pick up about a dozen at a time at somewhere near the 90ppl mark.
            =SOLD UP!=


            • #7
              With some of the problems with Bio (as some have highlighted on this Forum)
              I'd be very warry n stay on with SVO/Diesel mix until proved 100% reliable n genuine....

              There's always a Payback .... Ya just never see it Comin !!!!
              Buncefield Burner


              • #8
                Thanks for the feedback guys, appreciated

                The problem is, I think, that some people are using low grade methanol which contains inpurities and also not washing the caustic from the fuel afterwards.

                We've mastered it on a very small scale in the lab but just trying to get a feeling of the value of it doing it on a very small commercial scale.


                Signature stolen along with Surf...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by corsetts View Post
                  Thanks for the feedback guys, appreciated

                  The problem is, I think, that some people are using low grade methanol which contains inpurities and also not washing the caustic from the fuel afterwards.

                  We've mastered it on a very small scale in the lab but just trying to get a feeling of the value of it doing it on a very small commercial scale.


                  it wouldnt be small scale if u deliver to us

