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£1500 to invest...

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  • £1500 to invest...

    I've just had a bonus of about £1500. Not a large amount of cash, especially compared to my debt! lol

    Anyone got any ideas on how to turn that into more cash? I'm hopeless with the dollar, so any ideas are welcome...
    Always in the sh*t! Depth: Various.

  • #2
    Pay off some of your debt....


    • #3
      Aye, that was my first thought, but seems a wee bit shortsighted as I could use it to make more...
      Always in the sh*t! Depth: Various.


      • #4
        Perhaps a hunt for a bargain on fleabay that could be resold ?

        Or then again there is this 3 legged nag ambling along in the 3:15 at Doncaster
        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


        • #5
          Like the squirrel says ebay but look for wholesale items that could be sold seperately or buy 4 x Surfs that are breaking for spares

          or auctions for a german diesel estate car
          Without Surf And Unhappy


          • #6


            • #7
              Originally posted by servechilled View Post
              I've just had a bonus of about £1500. Not a large amount of cash, especially compared to my debt! lol

              Anyone got any ideas on how to turn that into more cash? I'm hopeless with the dollar, so any ideas are welcome...
              Give it to me and I will spend it wisely by fixing my truck then you will know that it has gone to a good home and give you a warm feeling inside...


              • #8
                Unless you have money coming out of your ears, debts are usually more expensive than what you can make from the money.

                Overpayments on a mortgage that allows them is my tip (assuming you have a mortgage). We pay £100 - £200 a month over usually. It might sometimes leave us a bit short, but its saving us sh*tloads in the long term.
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Apache View Post
                  Unless you have money coming out of your ears, debts are usually more expensive than what you can make from the money.
                  if the banks could make more money from something other than lending it out, they would. You will not find a reliable investment that produces more interest than what you are paying on your debt.


                  • #10
                    Aye, that was my first thought, but seems a wee bit shortsighted as I could use it to make more...

                    This is the usual thoughts of people in debt (I'm one of them, but only slightly, and oh - also gamblers, which thankfully I'm not!)
                    If you have debt, pay it off first, the best and most serious advice I can give.
                    If you can make 10% profit on the money, how long will it take you to do so? and then you'd have to do THAT 10 times (technically less but..) to double your original sum. Meanwhile the interest on the debt is eating away from any profits you make - especially if they're credit cards! clear it, clear it all I say. Sounds boring, but just do it and forget about it. It was money you didn't know you'd get anyway, so you're not missing anything. Take a 100 out of it for you and have a damn nice meal out.
                    Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


                    • #11
                      £1500 isn't enough to invest in anything that will return.
                      Even the best rate ISA (and similar) won't come near your debts.

                      If you had £1,500,000; that would be investment capital.


                      • #12
                        apache snorkel and bushwacker offer good advice ! ! !
                        apache especially ! ! !

                        though this is only my HUMBLE opionion ! ! ! lol

                        PAY OFF YA DEBTS ! ! ! you know i makes sence ! ! !

                        unless you want to invest in the black market which has a STING of its own
                        FCUK the government and banking system ! ! !

                        fatboy33(owes nothing and knows f all too)
                        " loving my surf "


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by servechilled View Post
                          I've just had a bonus of about £1500. Not a large amount of cash, especially compared to my debt! lol

                          Anyone got any ideas on how to turn that into more cash? I'm hopeless with the dollar, so any ideas are welcome...
                          the best thing to do is put it in an envelope and put it between the matress and the bed, and dont tell anyone.

                          then, come 5 years you will still have £1500. this is proven to be the best investment ever!
                          Oh Nana, what's my name?


                          • #14
                            Pay off the debt, it makes sense.

                            yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                            • #15
                              You can earn 10% per month of what ever you invest with these people. They deal in world currencies.
                              Minimum investment is £5000 though.
                              Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 27 March 2008, 22:47.

