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the lift so far as an animation.. what do you think?

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  • the lift so far as an animation.. what do you think?

    so here is the current situation:
    we start with the 265/70/15's on standard suspension
    we change to Khumo 31/10.5/15's on standard
    we (I mean Growler and Antshiel) replace the Toyota shocks and springs with E9000 gas filled (plus nice red booties) and 2" higher springs to the rear (sadly black as no red in stock - boo-hoo)

    and yer she blows...

    Now just the front to jack up.

    fun, innit!
    Last edited by legendgamesmaster; 19 March 2008, 17:43.
    If you're gonna be a bear... be a Grizzly.

  • #2
    Just paint your springs red...

    And while you're at it, fit some high intensity brake lights underneath to light your rusty diff.

    Ahhhh, how I wish I had a MK1 Escort...
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #3
      Looking good Andy, don't forget to keep the mods fund pot topped up.


      • #4
        Love the animation mate, it changes colour as well, just how long did this lift take?? only the bush seems to have flowered while you were doing it
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #5
          nice one - that's actually pretty damn useful - good to show effects there and then.
          Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


          • #6
            Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
            Love the animation mate, it changes colour as well, just how long did this lift take?? only the bush seems to have flowered while you were doing it

            It took Andy (Growler) about 3 hours with Anthonys expert help, and my occasional handing of a socket set or screw driver.

            I really wanted to do more myself, but I couldnt get a bl88dy space, they were all over my truck like a bad case of the pox.

            We only had two time consuming issues:

            A recent replacement of the load sensor (by a garage for the MOT) meant that the flexi brake line was a bit short - we think he cut it rather than doing a proper job, so we couldnt drop the axel enough to slip the extended springs in, Luckily Andys spring compressors were at hand in Anthonys garage. In future I would also add the braded brake hose kit to the list of mods at the same time. The boys did mutter something about doing a body lift there and then, with some left over parts thay had and some gaffer tape......

            One of the original shocks was a bu88er to get off - the nut was seized so we had to grind a flat spot on the shaft to get a bl88dy big pair of stilsons round it in order to unscrew the nut. But Anthony had the tools for the job (of course) so 'we was sweet, mate.'

            We also spent a few minutes going 'oooooh' while looking at £25k worth of race-ready fully restored Escort RS2000 with hand built engine, racing setup etc, a few doors away from Anthonyes place. Bloomin cool car!

            Plus it took me 40 mins drive to Brum from Worcester, and cost me a case o' beer, but that was much cheaper than the local garage, and now Ive seen one done, I am fully qualified to do one myself. Then I will be qualified to teach someone how to do it. Watch one, do one, teach one. Same as Brain Surgeons, apparently.
            If you're gonna be a bear... be a Grizzly.

