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help with paypal

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  • help with paypal

    how does paypal work? n what type of account would i need for it or on it? n then if im still not sure or happy with it i might just stay with postal order.
    whats your opinions?

    n please remember i do have probs understanding forms etc

  • #2
    Will, PayPal works a number of ways, but the way I use it is my bank card and credit cards are registered on it as methods of payment, so when I buy something, I don't have to keep entering card numbers, it knows which card I use, or I can chose to use the other one....

    You can also set it up to go direct from your bank account, but for this, you need to be able to use Internet Banking, or wait for your statement to arrive, as they place two small sums into (or out of, I can't remember) your account, then you have to log into PayPal to verify what those sums were, so they know they got the right account.

    I'm not sure there are any other ways of getting the money into their system, unless you start selling things, and use PayPal as a method to collect the money, then you can only spend what you have in the account....makes accounting a little simpler and less likely to buy something big and expensive by mistake...
    Too old to care, young enough to remember


    • #3
      Also remember Paypal take a cut from money that's paid into your account.

      [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B][I][SIZE=3]When the going gets tough - Get out !!![/SIZE][/I][/B][/FONT]


      • #4
        \ust becarefull i have not had a paypal account for years and every now and again i get emails like this whitch are a scam so look out

        We recently have determined that different computers have logged onto your Paypal account, and multiple password failures were present before the logons. We now need you to re-confirm your account information to us. If this is not completed by March 14, 2008, we will be forced to suspend your account indefinitely, as it may have been used for fraudulent purposes. We thank you for your cooperation in this manner. To confirm your Online Banking records click on the following link

        here was a link to click here

        Thank you for your patience in this matter. Paypal Customer Service. Please do not reply to this e-mail as this is only a notification. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. 1999-2008 PayPal. All rights reserved.


        • #5
          Re PayPal

          I have used PayPal for about three + years.
          To date I have NO bother at all.
          I have my bank as one method of yapment and a credit card as the other method.
          Anything I buy is paid for directly from my bank account with no wasted time or anything else to do other than "click" on and pay.
          You can view and check any transaction at any time and you can manage your PayPal account with ease.
          I have had the phoney message also supposedly from PayPal but they will NEVER ask you for a repeat of any details of your account.
          There are also bank scams asking for verification of details etc everyone is at it but just ignore EVERY request for your details they will NEVER ask for them.
          I would recomend PayPal as a very easy way of buying or selling or even sending money anywhere.



          • #6
            have you all read the small print?i was happy using paypal UNTILL i very nearly got done by a buyer,heres the story,make up your own mind.

            I was selling a non running mazda rx7 through ebay-£1250,i had a person from overseas willing to paypal me the full amount plus costs to get the car to port for shipping,so far i thought all was fine he agreed to pay me a £250 deposit via paypal and the rest in a few days as soon as he had the money in his account,that was fine for me as i thought it was secure and as good as cash and he would cover the paypal costs to,-so far im winning all the way.then someone pointed me to these site's



            so then i started reading all the small print,basicaly goes on to say that for buyer protection if a buyer buys something from you and its not what as described,they can then get their money back by reversing the transaction(and they dont need your autherasion to do it) so in other words a criminal can pay you for your goods recieve them and then get their money back!all they have to do is go into your paypal login and reverse the transacion.

            I leave you to read all the small print and those two sites above,i also do still use it for very small tranactions (up to £150 and only if i know them-ie someone on the various forum's i use and if i got a confirmed address


            • #7
              thanks for the warnings i havent set one up yet, only wanted it for membership n to buy things off forum members if i needed it. mind you come to think of it bet theres a few criminals on here

