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Drumclog Pics from today 15th Marth 08

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  • #16
    More like the Submarine Salvage company
    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #17
      Hey mate, just got home, knackered.
      私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


      • #18
        Cheers lads great day and a first class effort given the condition.
        As for the landy v surf score I will let the vid that will surley follow tell the tale.

        But I think muddy club side of the forum will happily chip in for my sticker


        • #19
          Well, what a day! fantastic.

          yoshie bro, me and you owned the Clog today!

          it's late/early and I'm just back from drinking lots of beer but jeez, we had a great day out.

          I'll get my co pilot to post vid asap.

          yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


          • #20
            Whadya mean owned the clog you were only there 20 minutes. Seriously though a/t tyre got you were we didnt go alan mate, impressed. Oh and thanks for use of that strap ill get mine on order so i dont have to borrow it again.

            The kinetic rope from the landy boys was my saviour, not cos of a bad truck just its driver
            Without Surf And Unhappy


            • #21
              great day guys. thats is the worst that i have seen drumclog, but it made for an interesting day.

              sorry that stevie and i had to shoot without saying cheerio, with the hole in the front of the diff pan we wanted to get the landy back home as soon as poss.

              it was going down the river that killed it, it was quite frightning, all you could hear and feel were great big rocks battering the undeside.

              this is a link to stevies (judder) kit car forum where he has posted a video and some piccies, its in the pictures and video section.


              how good was that wee series 3, it went anywhere.

              cheers scotty


              • #22
                Amazing pics guys, suddenly the Summer run seems a long way off!!!!!

                And yeah, the photos never seem to do justice to the buttock clenching sections lol
                Another member of the 'A' team


                • #23
                  What a day!!
                  Just got home this morn, stayed at a mates in east kilbride, after sliping into the river, the water was filling my footwell to the top of my boots infact , i had traction but everytime i moved forward or back i sliped in further , it was about to topple , so while i had my two mates craig and stoo hanging out the windows on the passenger side helping to balance the truck so it wouldnt go over, everyone was out laughing taking pictures, mean time im asking for someone to stick a strop on the front passenger side and rear so i can reverse out without going over while they hold the strain.
                  but to no avail everyone was in stiches!!!
                  Then the dash lights light up eveything starts beeping and flashing an i losse power, still running though! water was over the fuse box inside and under the bonnet.
                  so neil in the jimny gets on the job and tries to put his camera away , but drops it in the river ( sorry mate ).
                  so after a wipe down he gets the strop on the truck and we eased it out.
                  opened the door water pouring out.
                  After running for a bit lights all go off power comes back . so game on carpets are wet now lets get through the river neil in his stock jimny and carl ( lang shankit scunner ) gordon ( blackpool sparks ) follows , buy this time the river is brown so cant see how deep it is.
                  I still cant belive neil in the jimny going through the deep part water was well over the bonet, no snorkel!!
                  so after we head through the forest and neil ripping his sill guard off , its time to get out the forest.
                  Then my horn starts blasting for no reason!
                  Had to pull the wet fuse out.
                  After a wee mess around its time to head home, so itake mine out off 4wd into rwd drive along the road , wont shift out of 1st gear in d so drove to ek at 3k revs 15mph .
                  looks like the wee ecu at drivers footwell got submerged , took the cover off and blew out the water .
                  and hey its sorted.
                  so im delighted its only that and not the box.
                  Damage today.
                  1. slow puncture
                  2. bashed rear bumper
                  3.front whhel arch ripped off
                  4.rearwheel arch burst
                  5.water logged fuse box / ecu
                  6.loads of scratches.
                  But hey it can all be sorted ready for the nxt trip, think ill avoid the wee ( pond ) section of the river next time!
                  Big thanks to all ! especially the folk who helped pull me out .
                  Last edited by martyrsvr; 16 March 2008, 13:54.
                  Scottish mud club


                  • #24
                    What a day indeedy. Carnage,mud fest,water fest. What more could you ask for. I broke my ariel,not really brave enought to look at the rest of it. The rivers and wooded section were extra special with a degree of finess required!!! All i could here behind me were trevs tools gettin chucked about all over the place in the back of the pickup. will need to download pics and vid from camera then start the editing process.
                    www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


                    • #25
                      And a big thankyou to Scottish Power for making excellent ground anchors.

                      Who! where! when! no I know nothing Fraser! Fraser who? never heard of the guy Officer


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by yoshie View Post
                        And a big thankyou to Scottish Power for making excellent ground anchors.

                        Who! where! when! no I know nothing Fraser! Fraser who? never heard of the guy Officer
                        Er.........I thought that was just a tree that had grown perfectly with some branches at top and ceramic style christmas decos and had i wire to connect all the christmas lights.
                        www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by martyrsvr View Post
                          After a wee mess around its time to head home, so itake mine out off 4wd into rwd drive along the road , wont shift out of 1st gear in d so drove to ek at 3k revs 15mph.
                          Where in EK are you? I stayed there for 15 years.
                          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                          • #28
                            Here is the direct to the pix I took, I had to reregister to get on here, must've deleted my last username !


                            and here is a small video



                            • #29
                              Gid day oot!

                              nice pics and vid Niel.


                              yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                              • #30
                                great pics guys looks like a great day was had by all.cant wait to get up there and join in the fun.

