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Shannon found.

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  • Shannon found.

    Shannon found alive and well, halliluya some good news for a change.

  • #2
    thats is certainly good news.


    • #3
      There will celebrations in that household this evening , lets hope the barsterd hasnt touched her.


      • #4
        Yep its makes a nice change to the usual doom and gloom. Hope the b4stard gets what he deserves. : hanged:
        Working at last.......


        • #5
          That's good news, but things are not quite wht they may seem, the police have issued an emergency protection order and are keeping he away from her home.

          Something don't seem right, but at least she's still alive and well, it's a lot to be thankful for.

          Still working for the man!


          • #6
            Hmmmm, my thoughts exactly. There's something about this that doesn't seem quite right. But I'm delighted it was a different outcome from what everyone expected. It's nice to get some good news for a change.

            And as an awful addendum... I'm really glad I don't live in that area. Some of the people who were interviewed were scary!
            Last edited by Scorpion; 15 March 2008, 13:34.
            'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


            • #7
              Best news i've heard this week, here's hoping she's ok


              • #8
                And as an awful adendum... I'm really glad I don't live in that area. Some of the people who were interviewed were scary! [/QUOTE]

                Im glad i wasnt the only one thinking that.


                • #9
                  One of the big housing estates near Leeds?

                  We used to go to a kinky boots wholesaler up there, and cos its such a long trip, we used to stay in a Travel Inn east of Leeds in that kind of area. Jesus, talk about inbred knuckle-draggers!
                  Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Apache View Post
                    One of the big housing estates near Leeds?

                    We used to go to a kinky boots wholesaler up there, and cos its such a long trip, we used to stay in a Travel Inn east of Leeds in that kind of area. Jesus, talk about inbred knuckle-draggers!
                    Oi! I resemble that remark!! I was born in Leeds, and lived there till I was 30.

                    But, you're right, there are some very scary places!!


                    • #11
                      Sad fact is the monster will have hurt her, that wee lass will have some major trauma to deal with.

                      He will get maybe 15yrs, automatic third remmison drops it to 10yrs. He will be in open conditions after 6yrs, and back in the scheme before she has her 18th birthday

                      And he has the convention on human rights on his side to make demands of the system for his whole sentance, and an army of lawyers desperate to claim the legal aid to take the fights on for him.

                      What a Great Britain {"O" to be Austrailian}
                      Last edited by yoshie; 14 March 2008, 22:53.


                      • #12
                        Can't say as I'm proud to say that I'm a Yorkshireman at the moment The family are like the cast from Shameless, I had to work that area a few years ago ,not a pleasant experience !
                        I guess by now the family profile has been seen by all ?
                        Mother has seven children by five different fathers, and confusion reigns as to who is the father of who ?
                        Our boys in blue have had a really hard time over this case,and some are totaly sickened by what they have discovered has been going on in the 'extended family'

                        We don't know how lucky we are!
                        Death rides a Black Horse


                        • #13
                          Dont 'dis Shameless! It's one of the best progs on telly!

                          Know what you mean though. Society has gone down the pan as that sort of behavior is seen as acceptable in certain circles now.
                          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by John h View Post
                            Can't say as I'm proud to say that I'm a Yorkshireman at the moment The family are like the cast from Shameless, I had to work that area a few years ago ,not a pleasant experience !
                            I guess by now the family profile has been seen by all ?
                            Mother has seven children by five different fathers, and confusion reigns as to who is the father of who ?
                            Our boys in blue have had a really hard time over this case,and some are totaly sickened by what they have discovered has been going on in the 'extended family'

                            We don't know how lucky we are!
                            sad, true and becoming more common nowadays
                            i have the joyous job of doing door access systems on houses of multi occupancy!!!!!
                            Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Scorpion View Post
                              And as an awful adendum... I'm really glad I don't live in that area. Some of the people who were interviewed were scary!

                              We all live on or near somewhere like that, it's called a council estate, I've worked 'em for years, and yes most people on 'em are just like the charaters in shameless, it's due mainly to the small gene pool, and the governments lack of conviction when it comes to "culling" that certain element of society.

                              Did you notice how the "mum" looked just like "Waynetta Slob" ??

                              I think all male children shoud be vacesctamised at birth, and only after passing an IQ test and proving they can afford it, should they have the proceedure reversed, and be allowed to breed ( with a female of similar IQ).

                              Still working for the man!

