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Pura Oil in Tesco

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  • Pura Oil in Tesco

    Why cant I buy it?
    Went into my local Tescos which is an 'Extra' store, so one of the big ones, ordered 120 litres of Pura oil at 56ppl which appeared on the compooter at customer services ok, but today I got a call saying they are unable to order it for me as they dont sell it in store or summat?
    Anyone else have trouble buying it? do i need to find a store that stocks it? What about Sainsbury's? the Pura website says they sell it too, I might have to try them tomorrow.
    Ebay search item 230357761354 !

  • #2
    Originally posted by Jonny77 View Post
    Why cant I buy it?
    Went into my local Tescos which is an 'Extra' store, so one of the big ones, ordered 120 litres of Pura oil at 56ppl which appeared on the compooter at customer services ok, but today I got a call saying they are unable to order it for me as they dont sell it in store or summat?
    Anyone else have trouble buying it? do i need to find a store that stocks it? What about Sainsbury's? the Pura website says they sell it too, I might have to try them tomorrow.
    Sainsbury's do sell it, again I would suggest ordering it, BUT remember using 1 litre bottles is a right faff.

    I use 3 litre Sainsbury at 77 a litre, at least I'm not out all night refilling madam.

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      Point taken but 20p per litre is quite a saving and well worth the faffing, plus you get the satisfaction of recycling the bottles afterwards, thus saving the planet - sort of.
      Ebay search item 230357761354 !


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jonny77 View Post
        Point taken but 20p per litre is quite a saving and well worth the faffing, plus you get the satisfaction of recycling the bottles afterwards, thus saving the planet - sort of.
        I recycle my bottles, my local council insist on the bottles being washed - so leave the bottles to stand and collect the dregs, it doesn't take long to get another bottle or two.

        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


        • #5
          Originally posted by UDTrev View Post
          I recycle my bottles, my local council insist on the bottles being washed - so leave the bottles to stand and collect the dregs, it doesn't take long to get another bottle or two.
          Not that BROWN gives a ff that ya recycle n doing ya bit...
          Personally I think it's time he did he's bit or ship out !!!! Lone Shark ....

          There's always a Payback .... Ya just never see it Comin !!!!
          Buncefield Burner


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jonny77 View Post
            Why cant I buy it?
            Went into my local Tescos which is an 'Extra' store, so one of the big ones, ordered 120 litres of Pura oil at 56ppl which appeared on the compooter at customer services ok, but today I got a call saying they are unable to order it for me as they dont sell it in store or summat?
            Anyone else have trouble buying it? do i need to find a store that stocks it? What about Sainsbury's? the Pura website says they sell it too, I might have to try them tomorrow.
            Did you order that in the westwood cross tesco??

            Still working for the man!


            • #7
              Tesco Veg Oil

              I have no problems with getting oil from Tesco in Scarborough. It is 73.5 p per litre when bought in 3 litre bottles. If I want more than 24 bottles I have to order first and collect direct off the shelf. Just bought a bulk of 1000 litre filtred rape oil 50 p per litre even better.


              • #8
                Originally posted by surfoffroad View Post
                Just bought a bulk of 1000 litre filtred rape oil 50 p per litre even better.

                Can I ask who you bought the 1000 litres from - and does it come in an IBC?
                Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


                • #9
                  had the same problem in Dundee, available on the 'puter but they called back the following day saying they couldn't, v.annoying as Dundee is supplied by the depot in Livingstone as is the store in Renfrew where the 56ppl is available
                  Toot! Toot!


                  • #10
                    Funnily enough I was going to start the same thread! I can't even find it listed on the Tesco website! Shame on you, whoever started the cheap Pura thread, building my hopes up like that!

                    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                    • #11
                      I have trouble getting it in Tesco sometimes. The shelf is always marked up for Pura but none there! They only had 10L today.
                      I have managed to get 48L a couple of times though. Must have just filled the shelf. Early morning or late at night is a good tme to look for it.

                      I empty them in to a 20L drum and fill from that, much quicker than tipping them in 1 at a time through a funnel.


                      • #12
                        Not to be outdone, I went to Tesco in Sluff, reputed to be their flagship store.
                        Up to customer services desk,
                        "Good evening ladies, do you have any Pura vegetable oil in store"?
                        Tap, tap tap on the computer.
                        "Yes we have , we have 22 bottles on the shelf."
                        "Brilliant, can I buy all 22 bottles"?
                        One said yes while the other said no.
                        "I don't understand, can I buy it or not"?
                        " No, you are only allowed six of any product as we are a retailer, not a wholesaler. We don't allow people to come in and buy up excessive amounts of our special orders."
                        "But it's not on special offer, that's you're normal price."
                        "Sorry, you can only have six."
                        "Ok, can I buy 7 loaves of bread"?
                        "Yes, I don't see why not".
                        "Pardon me ladies but there seems to be a fundamental flaw in your multiple purchase policy."
                        " Well, I was taught that 7 was more than 6, has that changed?"
                        "Never mind, can I order some Pura vegetable oil?"
                        "Yes, how much would you like?"
                        "120 litres please."
                        "No problem sir, I'll just confirm that with the supervisor........... Yes, that will be fine. You can collect it next Wednesday"
                        "Thank you very much. Can I place a regular monthly order for 120 litres?"
                        "No sir, that's not possible, as I said we are not a wholesaler"
                        "Ok, can I come in next month and order some more?"
                        "Yes sir, that shouldn't be a problem. Thank you very much."
                        (You couldn't make it up, could you?)
                        So, of I troops to find the Pura, and there it was , GONE!!
                        Some other sod had been and nicked it while I chatted to customer services.
                        I then noticed that their veg oil has gone up to 99p per litre. Bleeding rip off or what? I did manage to buy 4 drums of KTC at 76p per litre. Still dear but better than the 118p that my local garage want for diesel. Robbin barstewards.
                        No we wait and see what happens.
                        Always in the sh1t. Only the depth ever changes.


                        • #13
                          Went into tesco's last night to check the status of my order, and was told that, as far as they know it's still comming ( I'll believe it when I see it)

                          They also told me that management had said they can only accept orders for 20 litres at a time form now on, so I said, can I come in everyday and order 20 litres? she said no problem.

                          Now this is a farcical situation, when big brother starts telling you how much food stuff you can buy, wait for it, coz soon we'll be back to 1940's style rationing on food,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I KID YOU NOT!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Still working for the man!


                          • #14
                            Went to Tesco early this morning and got 10 bottles - that emptied the shelf - and gave up waiting whilst they went to fetch some more!! Also noticed that the price of there normal veg has gone up to 99p/litre from about 75p Gonna nip to see what Sainsburys are charging, cos it was 74p/litre yesterday, and if it is and as I am off to Cornwall next week, I will be buying a trolley load of 3 litre bottles ')

                            Cheers, Nick
                            "The force will be with you, always!"


                            • #15
                              Booker cash n carry

                              77698 ES Vegetable Oil PM79 15x1ltr £8.30 = 55.3'p per litre

                              booker cash n carry.

                              cheapest i can find.
                              If you're gonna be a bear... be a Grizzly.

