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seriously ! oil production !

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  • seriously ! oil production !

    i've done some searching but cant find too much! i'm not amazing on tinternet !

    i'm looking for oil processing plants in the uk (southwest really) cos i live on a farm and know the farmer well ! he would let me use an area to grow rapeseed !

    does anyone here know anything bout it ! would it be worth it ?

    revolution starts at home

    cheers in advance

    (loving my surf)
    " loving my surf "

  • #2
    Not to sure, but I doubt if they would just produce a batch from one or two fields of rapeseed. I also doubt if they would throw your lot in with another batch and then share it out?

    No doubt someone will come along and blow holes in my thinking! Nice idea though, if it does work can I buy some cheap fuel from you?

    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


    • #3
      Well, I don't want to put a downer on your little plan, but below is a page with some figures on it. I don't know how big your friend's farm is or what land he'll let to you, but considering it seems an average of 3tons/hectare, once you factor in equipment, fertilisers, time etc, you're not going to be profiting much, if at all.


      You may be better sticking a few of theseon the land instead, and refining everyone else's.
      Last edited by Snorkel; 12 March 2008, 15:22.
      Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


      • #4
        try this http://www.biodiesel-fuel.co.uk/range/ if you're going to brew your own
        Hold my beer and watch this


        • #5
          yeah well said scorpian ! shame your probably right !
          great links snorkel ! i'll have to get some figure's and do me sums !
          i'm mearly intrested in creating rapeseed oil not biodiesal

          it would be nice to find a processing plant and find out though !
          looks to me as they're all abroad


          is a stunning piece of kit ! how long before there's a "DOMESTIC/HOME" kit

          " loving my surf "


          • #6
            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

