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All our problems solved

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  • All our problems solved

    The British Solution to Save Petrol

    Prime Minister Brown wants us to cut the amount of petrol we use...

    The best way to stop using so much petrol is to deport three million illegal immigrants!

    That would be three million less people using our petrol.

    The price of petrol would come down...

    Bring our troops home from Iraq to guard the Channel...

    When they catch an illegal immigrant crossing the Channel, hand him a canteen, rifle and some ammo and ship him to Iraq...

    Tell him if he wants to come to Britain then he must serve a tour in the military...

    Give him a soldier's pay while he's there and tax him on it...

    After his tour, he will be allowed to become a citizen since he defended this country...

    He will also be registered to be taxed and be a legal resident...

    This option will probably deter illegal immigration and provide a solution for the troops in Iraq and the aliens trying to make a better life for themselves...

    If they refuse to serve, ship them to Iraq anyway, without the canteen, rifle or ammo...

    Problem solved...
    More Lift.
    More Tyres.
    More Engine.

  • #2
    That sounds like a bl00dy good idea to me..................
    Working at last.......


    • #3
      There's only on problem with that, that is the following statement is simply not true:-

      Prime Minister Brown wants us to cut the amount of petrol we use...
      even if he said it.

      the amount of tax on fuel is astounding! and he wants us to burn as much of it as possible while looking like he is trying to help the environment. If he REALLY wanted us to use less, then there'd be a lot more facilities for electric cars etc.

      I read yesterday, fire extinguishers are being banned from a block of flats, and there is talk about removing them all-together in the UK to stop people risking themselves by staying and tackling a fire. Just think about how many small fires are currently stopped, from being turned into big ones which then kill many. Yes, this country is indeed being run by idiots.

      However I maintain to say it is our own fault, as it's said over and over - that all it takes is for the good man to say nothing for evil to triumph. but people are cowards, and no one will risk putting their neck on the line or be seen as a racist etc. it's still 'play ground' politics, and most people will join the side of the many. sad but true.
      Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


      • #4
        Fair point... The price of petrol is ok.. the price of fuel tax is the problem
        More Lift.
        More Tyres.
        More Engine.


        • #5
          The immigrant situation is a separate issue, but I think it best to close the doors immediatly until it is solved not keep them open until it is solved.

          The UK is SUCH a soft touch it really would be laughable if it was so serious.
          You could blame the lawyers, as it's they who protect people's rights of which there are far FAR too many! We ARE animals, believe it or not, and have to be governed by some form of dictatorship to say in some situations 'this IS how it's going to be and you WILL accept it'. lol

          Edit: and as half of Al -Quaida are trying to get in thte coutry, giving them arms, and ammo and sending them back home - doesn't sound like a good plan to me. But I understand your meaning lol. I'll happily sit on the white cliffs, great vantage point!
          Last edited by Snorkel; 12 March 2008, 12:02.
          Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


          • #6
            I think we do need another fuel blockade though, and this time really make it MAJOR!! give me enough warning though so I can stock up on milk and eggs this time, shops ran out in less than a day last time, and it took em a few days even after it was lifted to re-stock. Our society really is so more fragile than people know.
            Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


            • #7
              HEAR HEAR ! I'M NO COWARD !

              I may also want to take a wooly-jumper ! it'll be windy up those cliffs today !
              " loving my surf "


              • #8
                Viva la revolution
                Could everyone spare £240 though as Labour are a little short of cash? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/mai...darling110.xml They'll pay it back, honest
                Hold my beer and watch this


                • #9
                  i guess you didnt watch the program on BBC2 last night on imigration, there were 2 english business owners on there who said their business would close down without foreign workers. they also interviewed 2 white english ferral youths drinking cans of stella as they came out from collecting the dole who were laughinh at the poles who earn £25k per year picking fruit and veg on local farms. the ferral youth attitude was that they wouldn do those jobs for any money. (what happened to refusing to pay dole to people who wont work)
                  now if we are going to force people to fight for thsi country the first in line should be those chain smoking basball hat wearing ferral lazy white english spongers and not 'imigrants.

                  it the age old case of tar everyone with the same brush and follow the redtops view of why the county is going down the pan.


                  • #10
                    No probs - my gun turret is on a swivel, I can point it in-land if and when neccesary!

                    I still stand by my old idea of secret sterilisation squads, stopping such people breeding! Tories would put a stop to handouts for lazy people (yes I know there are worthy exceptions). and for the people who go 'what about poor old me?', go to africa and the like and see how bad things really can be, then I bet you'll become an entrepreneur and find a way.

                    Remember, you'll only get more of those you help. I heard about one guy getting £7/wk handout to help feed his dog! and as for those that had 8-10 kids etc don't get me started!

                    Edit: I personally like to have some foreigners here, especially nice ones of course, but don't forget if they didn't work on the farms, farmers would have to pay more to get the labour, which then our youth may work for. It the supermarkets that are to blame, you know how much farmers get for a pint of their milk??? They are the ones who'll source from abroad. Why you say??? Because WE yes, WE will not pay more (I excluded because I don't buy cheap cr#p where possible).
                    Last edited by Snorkel; 12 March 2008, 13:19.
                    Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


                    • #11
                      from another post £1.16 ltr

                      Originally posted by Snorkel View Post
                      I think we do need another fuel blockade though, and this time really make it MAJOR!! give me enough warning though so I can stock up on milk and eggs this time, shops ran out in less than a day last time, and it took em a few days even after it was lifted to re-stock. Our society really is so more fragile than people know.
                      Originally posted by jeff.fn02jwa View Post
                      lorry owners /drivers did it how many years a go an look what we had to do just to get the price of road tax to drop it was all about the cost o derv and we put the country on its knees for just over a week and all that happened was we got a price drop on the road tax for hgvs and the goverment will not dare put the cost of of the tax back up but it is not the road tax that is killing the transport in the uk it is the cost of the derv i spent 5 nights bloke aiding grangemouth fuel terminal and all we had was grief from vosa for months after the strike so we (all the diesel users in the uk ) can do is to not go to work for one week and head to your nearest fuel terminal and do not let the tankers out of the place and see what the gov can do to help stop the oil giants raping us all of our hard earned cash what was shell pre tax profits this year b######s

                      RIP OF BRITAN


                      • #12
                        The Answer



                        • #13
                          hehe - well, I suppose there are more there Brits percentage wise of population than there is here (at least in London)

                          Just recently a guy got binned at work, and guess what, he pulled out the racist card immediately (just made him leave the door even faster from accounts)
                          Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


                          • #14

                            The problem isn't so much immigration. There are loads of unskilled, low paid jobs. Why SHOULD a farmer have to pay through the nose for someone to pick strawberries?? It's not rocket science! People who have no choice but to take crap jobs should maybe have concentrated at school a little harder. I aint gonna weep for ya, but thats beside the point.

                            Anyone with any pride in themselves, their family or their society will do WHATEVER job necessary in order to earn a wage. Get these lazy sh1ts back to work! Tell em, no job, no f*ckin council house! You're on the street matey! Go pick strawberries like the Poles are prepared to do!

                            We'll need to close our borders for a while. Sorry all you Eastern Europeans, it's nothing you've done, its just we have our own problems to sort out.

                            We need a points system of entry, like most developed countries. We'll take the skills we need. No skills, no entry. Simple.

                            If you are lucky enough to come here, you'll live by our rules, and use the facilities we offer. You wont expect our tax payers to provide facilities required by your religion, though feel free to practice it as long as it doesn't impact British scociety.

                            Oh, dont expect businesses / councils etc to employ people to speak your language, or print phone books in your language etc etc. This is Britain. Learn the language or f*ck off.

                            I'm sorry, but it's time to get hard with the 'easy life' tracksuit scum, and make sure the people who come into the country are people who will make society richer and more interesting, and Britain more wealthy.

                            The whining lefty bleeding hearts will brand me a racist - however, nothing could be further from the truth. I have people I regard as friends from several parts of the globe, and those of them living in Britain agree with my views!
                            Last edited by Apache; 12 March 2008, 22:55.
                            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                            • #15
                              DID YA KNOW ???
                              Petrol is by product of Oil productio n they got the gall to ROB us blind for a product that they would Burn or throw away or dispose of wastefully

                              There's always a Payback .... Ya just never see it Comin !!!!
                              Buncefield Burner

