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Running your car with water

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  • #16
    C,mon it must be true, it comes not with a 30 day or even 40 day, but a 56 day 100% money back guarantee. yes 56 days (?????) look at the bottom of the web page.
    私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


    • #17
      If you order within the next five minutes they will throw in a FREE set of STEAK KNIVES........................ ........

      And if you order buy credit card they will also include a bonus ab work out machine....................... ..................
      Harden the Fuk Up Princess


      • #18
        well hydrogen being no 1 on the elemental table and being the most abundant STUFF in the universe,and the fact that zepplins used it before it started killing people and you can buy big bottles of it,a car manufacture(think its honda but not sure) has been developing a hydrogen cell whos exhaust emissions are just water.its reasonably easy to strip the hydrogen from the 2 oxygen molecules in water as water has aloose molecular bonds.you can scavenge hydrogen from the normal atmospher as well
        Non intercooled nothing.


        • #19
          Originally posted by max6674 View Post
          It was me.. and its still on test, well we have to build another one as we blew one up with too much gas and no blow off valve.. doh !
          What do you use for the electrodes, btw? (Carbon|graphite)? rod? Stainless?


          • #20
            if its any solace,mine earlier on ran without using any fuel whatsoever,.......on the back of a recovery wagon
            Non intercooled nothing.


            • #21
              Water injection.

              Hi, I am at present obtaining 21.6 mpg on my LN130. That is around town (it is better on a run). This week I am going to fit an SMC water injector. Hopefully this will lower the air temperatures which are not sufficiently cooled by the tin thingy that passes for an intercooler.
              I will keep you posted as to results, if any.
              Has anyone else had a resounding success with water injection?


              • #22

                Surely the laws of conservation of energy must apply? One of these web pages has recently confessed that "HHO" by itself, when dried in a separator, actually increases fuel consumption. This suggests that any increase in performance arises from the water vapour which is carried over. Water injection has been known for years to improve performance at high boost and may decrease fuel consumption by reducing the temperature of the charge making it more dense and thereby increasing volumetric efficiency.
                Has anyone tried it?


                • #23
                  had water injection on my scoob,was for mpg tho lol,was to keep the damn thing cool,and it did work


                  • #24
                    I remember reading a few years ago about a guy who claimed to have invented a system that allowed a normal 4-stroke to run on water. He invited a bunch of fuel companies and car manufacturers along for a demo, and to buy the system. They showed up, and he arrived with his demo car. He proceeded to fill the tank with pure water, and drive a short circuit. When he finished, he opened the bidding, and made a nice tidy sum. The winner took the demo vehicle away and dismantled it... only to find that it was all a con. All that happened was that there was just enough fuel in the fuel pipe for the car to drive a couple hundred metres.

                    Having said that, I'm pretty sure that at least one fuel company has a working (although maybe inefficient) water system or some other gasoline alternative. They're not marketing at it the moment as gasoline is too profitable. When the reserves dry up, the system will magically appear on the market to save the day.
                    Paul </Slugsie>
                    Immortal.so far!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by dee View Post
                      join the ranks of the other "wonder" mod's

                      electric superchargers, £5 superchips, fuel line magnets, the turbonator etc etc

                      if it was that easy cars would be leaving the factories in theirs millions with this system fitted.

                      and anyway, would you admit to believing what you're told by a 1.5 inch tall woman with fat thighs?
                      There is some credence in the magnets thing. It does seem to align the fuel molecules and it does seem promote stoichiometry in the combustion process. BUT, the gains are very very small and we'd not notice the difference in our Surfs. If you happened to own a big hydrocarbon fuel fired Power Station, you'd notice the difference, but you'd need to look for it!
                      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                      • #26
                        Thats a similar principal to the "aquadial" type magnet water softner's then,
                        at one time you could'nt get warranty cover on a new combi unless you fitted one of these on the supply, but i think they dump'd the idea as they found they wer'nt doing a dam thing, personally i dont trust any of these cheap fix gismo's on ebay,
                        you can bet your bottom dollar tho that if they ever do find a way of running an engine on "water" they (the government) will already have in place some means of ensuring you wont be able to just fill up from your tap without paying as much if not more tax on it as you do for fuel now, look at the way cooking oil prices have shot up over the last year or so,
                        Too young to die and too old to give a toss

