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Spacers Done!!!!!!!!!

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  • Spacers Done!!!!!!!!!

    Got round to gettin spacers done,they've been lyin in the back of Surf for over 2 weeks so i couldn't take it any longer. (Trev) Managed to get spacers in without un-doing shock. Just un wound torsion bars so top wish bone could be levered up. Took the ball joint off (easy to get old bolts out for the longer ones) by undoing split pin and the castle bolty thing. Got spacer in after the usual grinding and once fitted just leavered up wish bone enogh to get the bj rod back through.

    Managed to destroy thread on one of the torsion bolts though It was stiff as hell then with one final turn de threaded and returned to top of nut position!!!!!!
    Got some high tensile threaded rod and some locking nuts......sorted!!!

    Oh and fitted extended brake lines on front as well.

    Got 17" from top of rim to bottom of arch all round......

    Anyway some before and after pics..................



    www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events

  • #2
    Looking good fraser!

    I have yer flaps here, see you on saturday.

    yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


    • #3
      Ooh you did some work on yer truck You feelin ok? You will notice a big difference on front end at the clog itll be softer and weight will be more consistant sio traction should be improved aswell instead of bouncing or lifting articulation will have improved too
      Without Surf And Unhappy


      • #4
        Originally posted by The Lang-Shankit Scunner View Post
        Ooh you did some work on yer truck You feelin ok? You will notice a big difference on front end at the clog itll be softer and weight will be more consistant sio traction should be improved aswell instead of bouncing or lifting articulation will have improved too

        did you get my PM????

        Yeah had to do somethin,might even clean out the inside before Clog.
        www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


        • #5

          Awesome looking truck!

          They're on my shopping list.


          • #6
            looks good smiffy and that reminds me to get mine finished


            • #7
              Looking good matey , when we go through the river at the clog water should just about touch half way up your wheel!!
              Scottish mud club

