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Not a Good day

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  • Not a Good day

    Well it started off the morning getting Mrs Chaos to the station on time; I just about made it by a couple of minutes. Only to be told that the trains were running late or cancelled due to trees on the line (the leaves weren’t enough to stop the trains today) Mrs Chaos finally got to work 45 minutes late in the end.
    I got into work and first job of the day was to go around and look for damage caused by the lovely weather we’ve been having. Well no wind damage, but due to the heavy rain and extremely high tide there were many floods. So I ended up getting my feet wet wading around the mini-lakes sorting out blocked drains.
    On my travels around the port I stopped off on one of the linkspan bridges (they provide a bridge between the land and the RO-RO ferry, for those who didn’t know) which were having repaired. Work had stopped for obvious weather reasons, plus their scaffolding had been washed away. Anyway I got out of my car to walk over and as I got out, BANG! CLUNK! The wind had took the door out my hand slammed it shut, causing the central locking to go off. This left me outside the car in the wind and rain and my keys and mobile phone safely locked inside the car with the engine on. Oh joy, I thought to myself amongst other profanities.
    Well called the RAC and they said it would take about 3 hours before someone comes to my rescue. Luckily the guy arrived within an hour, but unluckily the guy who arrived was the same RAC guy who rescued me when I broke the ignition key on my surf, oh how we had a laugh about that. But he broke into the Mondeo alarmingly easy, and only using basic tools. A technique I’ll remember should this, and probably will, happen again.
    And so with my car no longer obstructing the linkspan, with the threat of “if it’s not cleared by 4pm when the ferry arrives. It will be picked up and moved by a forklift.” It was now lunchtime. A time I was going to use to go to the bank and pay off my credit card bill. All going well the cashier processed the transaction and no alarms went off stopping the payment (woohoo I have money) The cashier then informed that I might be charged a late payment fee, because the deadline payment was the 11th and the transaction may not clear before the deadline. So an angry phone call will have to be made if I get charged as it’s not my fault that the transaction takes so long to clear; my statement says pay by the 11th and I have.
    So next problem to go wrong is that when I wrote this out as a new post I got timed out on the forum and so had to re-log in and then my internet browser through a wobbly and crashed. So I’ve had to re-write this in word before posting, giving me more to rant about. Thankfully my ramblings are over, and I should really go back to work. Thanks for reading if you got this far, how is your Monday going?
    Hold my beer and watch this

  • #2
    Fine thanks, been asleep most of the day.I locked my keys in a honda i had once, and the a.a. man would not let me watch..........
    Working at last.......


    • #3
      ford mondeo......wedge window,slim jim..........clunk,bout 10 seconds??,i can get into most fords before ppl have wriiten name and address on our paperwork lol

