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dials - specific coloured lighting

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  • dials - specific coloured lighting

    There's a dash/dial lighting colour that I like but really don't know where to find it. Been googling for a while but not found any photos yet. However you do seem to see a few on the roads.

    I don't want to jsut say they're blue dials with red needles, as there are different 'shades', more of an electric blue and 'lilac'? hehe But the give a soft look relaxing to look at, not eye piercingly sharp. Any ideas if they have a name or where to look? and could they be put on a surf (I don't know how interchangeable these things are between vehicles but don't think it'd be a problem surely?). Thansk guys.
    Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna

  • #2
    Sounds like the mid 90s VW Dials I know the golf mkiv had that scheme, might be a good start for google fodder!
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    • #3
      Thanks KS, I had a search but still can't find anything. It's amazingly hard to find dial night photos! Mid 90s you say? interesting, could be but the ones in my head I thought would be pretty new.

      I'll have to avoid being arrested and lurk supermarket carparks at night till I find one, then I'll ask to take a photo. lol Talk about a dodgy request though.
      Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


      • #4

        I just googled mk4 golf gauges... found this...

        Obviously the boost gauge is not stock, but I am guessing the dials behind it are the look you are after?? Nice look, I like it myself

        Not sure how its done though, I imagine its specificly coloured LEDS, although from experiance toyota tend to light the needle with the same bulb as the type face, with a coloured needle... might be hard to replicate that crisp VW contrast.. With dial lights it tends to be the needles that let things down...

        I knowa chap that is an LED and lighting whiz... I know he did lots of work with changing needle lighting etc.. I'll ask him..
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        • #5
          I've found a few photos like that, yeah it is the 'look' (but not quite). The closest to it I've seen anyway. Just the colour type is a bit different, the needles and more lilac / pink - a little camp to be honest, but.. - like those plasma ball things!

          There are a few named 'plasma dials' of course, but not with the image I have in my head.

          Edit: Could just be the photos compared to real life though that is distorting it a little. but the pic above is very close.
          Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


          • #6
            I just looked at his site.. He has worked out ways of lighting needles properly too..

            He also has changed every single bulb in every single switch for full colour coding with LEDs.. Not a fan personally on LEDs everywhere and the neons etc, but the dials and heater bits and switches look good.


            So its doable... Just pick your colour LEDS!

            Last edited by Karma Supra; 10 March 2008, 14:18.
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            • #7
              yeah they're quite cool, but the it's first pic type with just the two colour scheme I'm after. Has a nice soft, calming look - but with those plasma colours.
              Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


              • #8
                I was on that site earlier hehe - I like this (but wouldn't have it though) - looks like a space ship! haha

                RE: Interior
                Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


                • #9
                  You should be able to achieve achieve the first look.. the second ones are toyota dials.. which is why I posted them, just to show that it can be done with the needle properly lit in a different colour.. I guess its just a matter of sourcing the right colours..

                  I'm not a fan of the washed out green, but its a lot of work to change it all neatly so it still all matches and looks like it could be factory!

                  LOL yea he has gone a bit wild, lots of lights everywhere, but he has done a ###### good job of getting it all together an working.. He is on my forum so I'll ask him about doing the dials, he is always friendly and willing to help.
                  Last edited by Karma Supra; 10 March 2008, 22:15.
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                  • #10
                    cool thanks. He may know the one I mean, and whether it's factory or not.

                    The one that I have seen though, while not common, there are still quite a few about and personally I do think it is factory made and comes with the car.
                    Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


                    • #11
                      Few more links, Reccomended suppliers he uses.



                      And a thread on getting the speedo needle to light up..

                      http://www.mkiiisupra.net/bbs/showth...ight=dash+leds (Supra I know but its all similar stuff!)

                      Toyota tend to use 501 bulbs for the larger lamps, and 286 for the smaller ones, easily available in replacement LED sizes. Make sure you go for the "wide angle" ones otherwise you get uneaven lighting.

                      I think bright red needles and the grey white numbers would look good
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                      • #12
                        Cool - well if I can't find the name of the manufacturer, looks like I'll be getting the soldering iron out hehe.
                        Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


                        • #13
                          If you to take pics!!! Are you Gen 2 or 3?
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                          • #14
                            Yeah - I'll try to take some pics hehe (will try not to get slapped in the process) lol.

                            I will be getting a 3rd Gen.
                            Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


                            • #15
                              how about these?

