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surfs gone

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  • surfs gone

    well guys, after 5 years of surf ownership i am now surfless.

    to be honest i am glad to see the back of it, not because i didnt like the surf, just because i kept breaking it, and it cost me money. but ha ho, thems the breaks so to speak.

    think i went to far with the mods as well, i should have stuck with the 2" sus lift, and not went for the body lift and 33"s.

    i am now a landy man. ok i'll not say that word again.

    got me a nice 05 defender 90 csw and i half own a old 1984 defender hard top for off roading.

    ok, you can all slate me now

    cheers scotty

  • #2
    oh well at least you still got a 4x4 [be carefull you dont break it lol]
    Only Toyota can get you out of shite


    • #3
      Well Scotty. The first step to overcoming a problem is to admit you've got one!!!!! An 05 landy cant hide the cash. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. You'll be a member of the landy club with Basher and Stumpy then.


      Dont be shy and still call in on forum,you've got me number so anytime you want to go to Clog or anywhere drop me a line. Hope you have many trouble free miles in the Landy.....................

      www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


      • #4
        Originally posted by smiffy View Post
        Hope you have many trouble free miles in the Landy.
        Yeah, good luck with that one.


        • #5
          You will be back!!! see you at the clog next week


          • #6
            aye Scotty, you looked a wee bit unsure of trading the old Surf, good luck with the new truck.

            see you at the Clog

            yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


            • #7
              cheers guys, im not going anywhere.

              i've made to many freinds on this forum, and its been though this forum that i met stumpy and the landy crew at difflock events.

              looking forward to next week at drumclog, what are you guys doing, sat and sun.

              i'll only be there on the sat. this will be the old landys first adventure off road so you all better bring your socket sets, i've no doubt that something will fall off.

              btw, the TD5 in the new landy is a bit of a beast, its got plenty beans.

              first job on that is to get dinatrol on the chasis before it rusts and falls to bits.

              cheers scotty


              • #8
                Enjoy the landy - I've just gone the other way, back to a Surf after a couple of years of Landys!!

                Just got rid of a Disco, had a 110 before that, but enjoying the Surf.

                Hopefully I won't be ostracised on landrovernet, but we'll see!!


                • #9
                  hope you enjoy your new surf mate,

                  one of the main reasons for going to a landy was that parts are easy and cheap to get hold of. i also found that people looked at me as if i had 2 heads when i sayed toyota surf.

                  how did you find the 110 for day to day living.

                  cheers scotty


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by scotty View Post
                    hope you enjoy your new surf mate,

                    one of the main reasons for going to a landy was that parts are easy and cheap to get hold of. i also found that people looked at me as if i had 2 heads when i sayed toyota surf.

                    how did you find the 110 for day to day living.

                    cheers scotty
                    in bits in a garage
                    Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by scotty View Post
                      hope you enjoy your new surf mate,

                      one of the main reasons for going to a landy was that parts are easy and cheap to get hold of. i also found that people looked at me as if i had 2 heads when i sayed toyota surf.

                      how did you find the 110 for day to day living.

                      cheers scotty
                      I've had a surf before , so no surprises!

                      The 110 was great - only downside was the second row of seats were too low for the kids - didn't fancy a crash!
                      It had a 200 TDi engine, so pulled like a train, got loads in it, just a bit slow!
                      Still, it got me from redhill to exmoor on £30 fuel, and really turned heads!
                      The bodywork didn't rust (in the traditional sense)

                      pic attached
                      Attached Files

