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@ Laser Jock

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  • @ Laser Jock

    Are you still on for the lanes tomorrow??

  • #2
    It's looking unlikely I'll be able to make it as my 4WD still doesn't work and the parts I need haven't arrived....and it doesn't work in Lo 4 either, tried that today.....bottoms!!!!
    Too old to care, young enough to remember


    • #3
      well not heard anything from any of the others so i guess it might be off anyway!!


      • #4
        Shame i was looking forward to day out to

        Suppose i best get the oil change sorted instead, noticed on way home tonight that pressure was a little low


        • #5
          Yeah me to if you know some local lanes i would still be up for a few a trip out for a few hours!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by hiroler View Post
            Yeah me to if you know some local lanes i would still be up for a few a trip out for a few hours!!
            Wish i did mate, but unfortunately not. I'm gonna go get some local landranger maps tomorrow and we could try to sort summat out for near future


            • #7
              ok no prob yeah i would be up for that!


              • #8
                I'm still on for this- RUGBY TAVERN CAR PARK 11:00am TOMMOROW.
                Last edited by laser_jock99; 8 March 2008, 00:34.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MudSurfer View Post
                  It's looking unlikely I'll be able to make it as my 4WD still doesn't work and the parts I need haven't arrived....and it doesn't work in Lo 4 either, tried that today.....bottoms!!!!
                  Most of the lanes I had in mind could be done in 2WD!


                  • #10
                    Ok i`m still in!! anyone else? can you email me your number?? rosscameron22@hotmail.com


                    • #11
                      Yup definately still in

                      Have emailed mobile number as requested see you there



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by hiroler View Post
                        Ok i`m still in!! anyone else? can you email me your number?? rosscameron22@hotmail.com
                        No. e-mailed- see you later!


                        • #13
                          Cheers for a good day guys i enjoyed that!! i did however forget to bring a camera!1 so if you could post some pics when you get chance!!

                          laser jock i forgot to give you your radio back!!! if you like i will post it to you??


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by hiroler View Post
                            laser jock i forgot to give you your radio back!!! if you like i will post it to you??
                            I remembered the radio after you all drove off- I'll pm you an address!

