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Not sure about these... What do you reckon??

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  • Not sure about these... What do you reckon??

    I bought these from an auction in japan (Bored at work, + net access very dangerous! )

    They arrived this morning and I opened them up.. not 100% sure about them... they are a set of 4 and direct factory fit etc etc..

    Another pic http://www.suprasonic.co.uk/Pics/hilux/Handle2.JPG

    Its that chrome plated plastic stuff, so it feels like metal (cold to touch) but doesn't have the solid feel of solid metal. Which I was kind of hoping they would have... (Jap auctions, translation was "vague" to say the least)

    What do you reckon folks? Nice touch or bling tat?? I can't decide now

    My truck has the optional factory carbon trim.. I am worried it might end up looking like something from a ripmax wet dream

    - On the other hand its a change from more grey plastic.... -
    More Lift.
    More Tyres.
    More Engine.

  • #2
    you can speak japanese? put them on and take some pics.. more chrome is better than less chrome
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #3
      Sell it to breakdown he likes bling, Personally


      • #4
        I'm with tiger get them sold to BDT asap


        • #5
          Oh dear a 3rd gen going backwards

          Thats it karma give em more reason to think your a part time hairdresser/cross dresser


          • #6
            No I can't speak japenese! The online translations can be a bit dodgey...

            I was kind of hoping they would be solid metal..S class style, that way at least I could have taken the high shine off them and they would have been a nice solid feeling bit of kit, and not too in yer face shiney..

            anyone seen anything like them installed?
            More Lift.
            More Tyres.
            More Engine.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Karma Supra View Post
              No I can't speak japenese! The online translations can be a bit dodgey...

              I was kind of hoping they would be solid metal..S class style, that way at least I could have taken the high shine off them and they would have been a nice solid feeling bit of kit, and not too in yer face shiney..

              anyone seen anything like them installed?
              Watch this space!

              I'm going to fit the ones from the Lexus..


              • #8
                I think it would look with the carbon fibre interior trim.
                Hold my beer and watch this


                • #9
                  a cheeper alternative would have been http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MIRROR-CHROME-...QQcmdZViewItem
                  Hold my beer and watch this


                  • #10
                    they look great fit em and enjoy them ( how much were they)


                    • #11
                      They are most likely going to be metalised plastic. The only way you can really tell is to take off your standard handles and compare the weight, if these chrome ones are much heavier, then they are solid metal. You can get any plastic part of your car metalised if it will fit into one of the machines they use, pimp your ride style!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Karma Supra View Post
                        No I can't speak japenese! The online translations can be a bit dodgey...

                        I was kind of hoping they would be solid metal..S class style, that way at least I could have taken the high shine off them and they would have been a nice solid feeling bit of kit, and not too in yer face shiney..

                        anyone seen anything like them installed?
                        Afraid i dont get it, why buy chrome things only to take the shine off, and they aint exactly "in ya face" at that size and on the inside of the doors,
                        sling em over here if you dont want em
                        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by captain_chaos View Post
                          a cheeper alternative would have been http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MIRROR-CHROME-...QQcmdZViewItem

                          Or BAKOFOIL
                          Attached Files
                          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                            Or BAKOFOIL
                            if you're using that you could make a winch bumper like GWH's
                            Hold my beer and watch this


                            • #15
                              hate em.

                              I'd happily run them over with my truck.

                              yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."

