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Searching the forums just got even easier

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  • Searching the forums just got even easier

    I use both IE7 and Firefox to browse the web. They both have a built in Search box, and it's always bugged me that I couldn't use it to search this forum. Well, I got to playing today, and I finally figured out how to get it to work.

    Firstly, go here:

    In the search URL box enter:
    htt p://w ww.hiluxsurf.co.uk/forums/search.php?query=TEST&do=proce ss
    (Note, remove ALL spaces. I had to insert some to stop it being formatted as a link)

    In the search plugin title enter:
    Hilux Surf Forum
    Click the Create Plugin button. On the next page, click the Install link. You'll be asked to install the plugin, OK it, and you're away. You should now find a 'Hilux Surf Forum' entry on you search provider drop-down list.

    The same instructions work for IE7 and FireFox. They'll probably also work for Opera, and any other browser that uses the OpenSearch standard.
    Paul </Slugsie>
    Immortal.so far!

  • #2
    does Safari work like this?

    yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


    • #3
      Don't know how they did it but over on the Delica forum they have a google search box which you can specify to search on the forum only.
      It certainly beats the hopeless search facility on most forums which always seem to fetch up loads of unrelated topics.
      Geoff http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_6_5.gif.... http://www.boomspeed.com/carolrobert/police.gif......


      • #4
        Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
        does Safari work like this?
        No idea. If Safari supports the OpenSearch standard then yes it will. Give it a try.
        Paul </Slugsie>
        Immortal.so far!


        • #5
          Originally posted by bensonsnuts View Post
          Don't know how they did it but over on the Delica forum they have a google search box which you can specify to search on the forum only.
          It certainly beats the hopeless search facility on most forums which always seem to fetch up loads of unrelated topics.
          That's easy. Go to www.google.co.uk, and put:
          as the first part of the search. It works for any web site, just change the address.
          Paul </Slugsie>
          Immortal.so far!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Slugsie View Post
            That's easy. Go to www.google.co.uk, and put:

            as the first part of the search. It works for any web site, just change the address.
            That's brilliant , didn't know you could do that !
            How much easier it is though , when it's already provided as part of the forum facilities
            Geoff http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_6_5.gif.... http://www.boomspeed.com/carolrobert/police.gif......


            • #7
              Originally posted by bensonsnuts View Post
              That's brilliant , didn't know you could do that !
              How much easier it is though , when it's already provided as part of the forum facilities
              Well, it's not that much easier. But it save you having to enter the forums first before searching.

              Just trying to make sure no-one has an excuse for not searching before asking the same old questions time and time again.
              Paul </Slugsie>
              Immortal.so far!


              • #8
                Originally posted by bensonsnuts View Post
                Don't know how they did it but over on the Delica forum they have a google search box which you can specify to search on the forum only.
                It certainly beats the hopeless search facility on most forums which always seem to fetch up loads of unrelated topics.
                I have been looking at that. Think they use the Google AJAX API.

                The is a global website search function on the main website front page, however it needs manually updating for the search index which somewhat makes it useless so I never enabled it again when we changed servers. May well have a go with the Google API.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by lucky View Post
                  I have been looking at that. Think they use the Google AJAX API.
                  Not sure if this is the one which can be straight linked:


