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NERC petition

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  • NERC petition

    I know it's been posted before, but can't find it so just a bump on behalf of the originator of this petition (Mark Marsh of ILRC)

    I posted it on quite a few, and contacted all the magazines, when it first went live. If I can remember my log-in details I'll post a reminder (I usually only visit this forum and the series 2 club regularly).

    HOWEVER, I'm sure lots of people who read this are members of other forums. I'd be really grateful if they could copy and paste this:

    There are only two months until the NERC petition closes on the Number 10 website. Over 1800 people have signed it, about 300 in the last month.

    If you haven't yet signed it, please do.

    If you have signed it, please get all your family, friends and anyone you can think of to sign it. Spread the word, we need as many people as possible to sign before it closes on 17th April.

    The link is: http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/Suspend-NERC/

    I don't expect the petition will change government policy BUT it let's the government know that greenlaners are not a lawless anti-social minority to be ignored (despite what some say) and reminds them that we are voters.
    So have a read and if you would like to put your name to it, please sign the petition.
    =SOLD UP!=