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Bl@@dy passports

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  • Bl@@dy passports

    applied to replace my passport a couple of weeks ago after the wife washed mine and thought i would phone up today for a progress report as i want to go away on the 6th for the weekend.

    To cut a long story short the very unhelpfull lady tells me i have got no chance with no help of what i might do next to grease the wheels.

    I asked if i turn up in person with my birth certificate would that help. No she replied we might not even see you

    apparently i'am a special case because it's not a straight forward renewall i might have sold my passport

  • #2
    thats just mad
    why should you sell your passport??
    are they mad
    iam glad i never had a passport
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


    • #3
      So what are they saying Cris your an alien or it's alien to em !!!!

      There's always a Payback .... Ya just never see it Comin !!!!
      Buncefield Burner


      • #4
        have you sold your passport to a foren guy that looks just like you
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #5
          Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
          iam glad i never had a passport
          Or a subscription
          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


          • #6
            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
            Or a subscription
            but i wont be pust into one

            all in my own time
            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


            • #7
              Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
              but i wont be pust into one

              all in my own time
              What about shame, can we shame you into one?

              Or can we no mark yer neck wi a blow torch?
              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


              • #8
                given a few hours of a blow torch on my nek i may give in
                am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                • #9
                  Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                  given a few hours of a blow torch on my nek i may give in
                  Now we know what to do, we just need to organise it
                  Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                  • #10
                    passports and subscriptions
                    you have to fill in forms witch i cant do
                    i dont use paypal after it got hacked
                    postal oders need to be filled in
                    my spellings are bad so think what my wrighting is like??
                    i can read my writeing but no one else can
                    if i could send cash i will send more than needed to help out
                    its hard to do lots of things when you cant read and write
                    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                      passports and subscriptions
                      you have to fill in forms witch i cant do
                      i dont use paypal after it got hacked
                      postal oders need to be filled in
                      my spellings are bad so think what my wrighting is like??
                      i can read my writeing but no one else can
                      if i could send cash i will send more than needed to help out
                      its hard to do lots of things when you cant read and write except spend a TENNER

                      Get it paid tight wad


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by yoshie View Post

                        Get it paid tight wad

                        can i send cash?
                        and can i send a lot of cash for a gold star
                        see if it catchs on
                        lets say 100 quid for a gold star for 1 year
                        that would rise some cash for a server i dont mind the pay out its the filling in forms i hate
                        i did have a server and forums once so i understand to cost
                        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                          can i send cash?
                          and can i send a lot of cash for a gold star
                          see if it catchs on
                          lets say 100 quid for a gold star for 1 year
                          that would rise some cash for a server i dont mind the pay out its the filling in forms i hate
                          Surf train to get Judwak's £100 to Koi?
                          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Tiger View Post
                            applied to replace my passport a couple of weeks ago after the wife washed mine and thought i would phone up today for a progress report as i want to go away on the 6th for the weekend.

                            To cut a long story short the very unhelpfull lady tells me i have got no chance with no help of what i might do next to grease the wheels.

                            I asked if i turn up in person with my birth certificate would that help. No she replied we might not even see you

                            apparently i'am a special case because it's not a straight forward renewall i might have sold my passport
                            Not sure if it helps but i have just renewed my passport, if you fill out the form as normal and take to the post office for an extra £7.00 you can fast track it and they gaurentee you will get it back within 10 days. Mine only took 8 days. You have to send your old one with it and i know you said yours has been through the wash , but surely they can see from the remains that it is/ was a passport and a genuine reason for renewal. Hope you get it sorted in time for your trip.



                            • #15
                              I thought the £7 was for the Post Office checking service. They make sure you have all the required documents and filled the forms in correctly. Don't thin it makes the process quicker... no Fast Track.
                              Had enough... going to live in Spain....

