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Who's a clever boy then ?

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  • Who's a clever boy then ?

    Did someone have brain fade ?

    With his boss on board
    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !

  • #2

    Don't see the problem me-self


    • #3
      Love this snippet:

      It had issued a notice to all cockpit crew reminding them of the company's "well-established" approval policy for conducting fly-bys.


      • #4
        It's probably the usual company story - that there isn't a problem until something happens, then a finger has to be pointed at someone.

        oh - and I think there should be a thread listing everyone's favourite/funny YouTube clips for us to watch when nothing better to do.

        Pinky and the Brain TongueTwister
        Algorithm March with ninja's (funnier after 1min)
        Parkour in Latvia
        Last edited by Snorkel; 25 February 2008, 22:07. Reason: clips
        Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


        • #5
          Nah, dont see what the issue was. He wasn't THAT low really was he? Remember the 747 barrel roll?
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #6
            From what I've read, the pilot did get permission from the tower for the manoeuvre, just not from his boss on board.

            Still, slightly daft thing to do though.
            Paul </Slugsie>
            Immortal.so far!


            • #7
              thats nothing! he should have done it upside down, naked with no seatbelt on
              Oh Nana, what's my name?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Snorkel View Post
                It's probably the usual company story - that there isn't a problem until something happens, then a finger has to be pointed at someone.

                oh - and I think there should be a thread listing everyone's favourite/funny YouTube clips for us to watch when nothing better to do.

                Pinky and the Brain TongueTwister
                Algorithm March with ninja's (funnier after 1min)
                Parkour in Latvia

                the truth about trainsurfer http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=DoT9vT...eature=related

                yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                • #9
                  well, who knows which one is telling the truth (I personally think the later is set up), however one thing IS certain - that there is someguy riding that train.

                  The following cracks me up everytime (gets funnier as it goes on)
                  Human Tetris
                  Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


                  • #10

                    Actually the pilot in command is John E. Cashman, the Chief Test Pilot for the 777 program and Director of Flight Crew Operations. Cashman recently retired after a distinguished 40 year career with Boeing. The shots of the 777 are from the original 777 flight test program - most of these cross wind tests were done at Edwards Air Force Base in CA.

                    Now i gotta find the sound track Enigma-Return to Innocence


                    • #11
                      Got to bump this 1 up what a pilot, the link i put up earlier i must have watched it 50+ times


                      • #12
                        HOLY COW! That's just nuts dude. Damn I love flying - one day I'll have my wings, one day!

                        World's Biggest Planes! - just watch the first 2mins with the cargo plane.

                        A 'real' surfer lol riding the 'Jaws' break in Hawaii
                        Last edited by Snorkel; 26 February 2008, 22:58.
                        Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna

