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  • Your Thoughts Please

    I have been thinking for a while now about setting up a group of surf owners all over the uk that would be intrested in going on a list of just members that would help out the emergency services in the event of bad weather ie: floods,snow,etc etc and other things of that nature.I was thinking of having a list of contact numbers of people who would be intrested and two or three numbers i could give to the services as a point of contact and then we could phone the nearest person/persons to the place were help was needed so the more folks up for it the better.It would be volentery but it would help to give 4x4's a better name and give all involved a warm glowy feeling knowing that granny smith was saved from a flooded house

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    I HAVE FOUND JESUS he was behind the sofa

  • #2
    It's a good idea, but it would make more sense to join an already existing Response4x4 group (or start one if there isn't one in your area). That way there is no duplication of effort, and the services only need to contact one group rather than multiple groups.
    Paul </Slugsie>
    Immortal.so far!


    • #3
      A formal response group or informal one? i.e: would you be registering as a response team or just supplying the list to possibly interested parties?


      • #4
        I dont no what groups are already running but if that is the best way to do it then we could go down that route like i say it was just a thought any info is a help if people are interested
        Last edited by kiowa; 23 February 2008, 17:15.
        I HAVE FOUND JESUS he was behind the sofa


        • #5
          Originally posted by MattF View Post
          A formal response group or informal one? i.e: would you be registering as a response team or just supplying the list to possibly interested parties?
          just supplying the list to possibly interested parties
          I HAVE FOUND JESUS he was behind the sofa


          • #6
            I suppose it would depend upon which they'd prefer. A registered type group, or whether they wouldn't class that as a problem, as such.

            Just to answer the actual question, btw, yes, I do think it's a good idea. I'd not limit it to just Surf owners, personally, however. A link was posted the other day, (I'm not griping again, honest, but just make sure you're running IE or possibly Opera when you view the site).


            Might be worthwhile just having a peek on there.


            • #7
              how would this effect your insurance guys i know its helping out less fortunate but would our insurance companys agree if we had incident helping out in extream conditions???
              Enjoying Life after Cancer


              • #8
                Originally posted by pops View Post
                how would this effect your insurance guys i know its helping out less fortunate but would our insurance companys agree if we had incident helping out in extream conditions???
                When I had a look at that 4x4response site the other day, the only thing it mentioned regarding vehicle insurance was that business use/cover was required, rather than just D&P, as that wouldn't cover it. Business use apparently does, however.


                • #9
                  That rules me out then as i only have D&P cover, was gonna mention insurance tho, it's a good idea but dont think mine has the guts to pull the skin of a rice pudding let alone a car out of a hole, would'nt stop me trying to help someone i "came across" i trouble tho
                  Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MattF View Post
                    When I had a look at that 4x4response site the other day, the only thing it mentioned regarding vehicle insurance was that business use/cover was required, rather than just D&P, as that wouldn't cover it. Business use apparently does, however.
                    good deed over for me then
                    i help if come across on the day like last monday morning
                    Enjoying Life after Cancer

