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Congestion charge judicial review

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  • Congestion charge judicial review

    havent seen it posted before, worth a visit to lend your support

  • #2
    Originally posted by fergus View Post
    havent seen it posted before, worth a visit to lend your support

    the only issue I can see with this is that Porsche are maybe trying to get their vehicles out of the '4x4 et al' congestion charge etc and not for the benefits of all


    • #3
      Originally posted by Gizmo View Post
      the only issue I can see with this is that Porsche are maybe trying to get their vehicles out of the '4x4 et al' congestion charge etc and not for the benefits of all
      With that though, if they do make progress, it's a win situation for everyone. There's no way they'd be able to justify dropping or lowering the charge for one make whilst saying no to others, so it would have to end up as a broad sweeping change.


      • #4
        It won't go ahead as everyone's on the anti-4x4 bandwagon. Ken won't be happy until London is farmland populated by a tree hugging hippy commune. And this over-infalted increase is just another step in that direction.
        Hold my beer and watch this


        • #5
          Is it only those that live on benefits who vote for Red Ken. How does he get in. Will this tax go ahead when he gets oed out?

          His latest stunt is to say a convicted drug cheat is going to carry the Olympic torch, without any consultation with the Olympic Committee!


          • #6
            Just picking up on inaccuracies (as always).....

            - Linford Christie is not carrying the torch and Livingstone never invited him to.

            - The congestion charge affects a tiny area of London that you would have to be a fool to want to drive through.


            • #7
              I've signed,

              The trouble with Ken's loony ideas is that once he has them up and running other areas begin to look into them.

              In other words let's nip this knackercracker in the bud.

              Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                Just picking up on inaccuracies (as always).....

                - Linford Christie is not carrying the torch and Livingstone never invited him to.

                Drugs cheat you say - get in the queue... they are all on something...

                - The congestion charge affects a tiny area of London that you would have to be a fool to want to drive through.
                That tiny area is growing... at quite a rapid rate. Yet our friend 'Ken' continues unabated, lording it about getting driven about in a taxi. And after his last visit to india, modelling TFL on that... apparently... To55er.

