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A day in my life..... Warning Veeeeery long

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  • A day in my life..... Warning Veeeeery long

    Wednesday, just another day...

    OK, where to start...........

    The basic plan for Wednesday was... Need to collect a truck from Birmingham, that has overheating issues on long journeys, but drives OK. Easy!

    Normal solution is to hire trailer, and go and collect it with L's truck. Easy, but quite expensive (trailer hire and fuel, budgeted about £100, but friend happy to pay that as part of the deal, see Feb 14th blog for details)

    Then had what seemed like a good idea at the time, L found we could get a train ticket booked in advance to Walsall for £14!!! Great thinks I, can actually make some extra money out of today. Train up there, load the truck up with spare water, cruise home stopping every 1/2 hour for a break and to top coolant up.

    Slight snag that a Fast Track ticket collection machine dosn't exsist at Basingstoke, but one at Reading. No problem, £5 train to Reading, collect ticket, great! Still only costing £20 to get there. L's get cash out to buy truck day before during work, to save time.

    Still with me? Morning started great, L dropped me off up station...That was last bit of things going according to plan!!

    Train to Reading delayed! Poo, I only have 10mins to collect ticket at reading and get on main train. Bigger POO!! Left the cash for buying car with L!!! L rushes back to station, but train leaves before she gets there. Talk on the phone, not a big deal, she'll transfer some money by phone, and I can get cash at walsall from a machine. Thats delt with, other issue train 8mins late leaving Basingstoke!! EEK!

    Got to reading 11:35, my train leaves at 11:40, cue mad run down platform, queue to got out turnstile, outside to ticket machines, machine won't except card to cough up tickets!! Try next machine, wait in line, card in, tickets issues forth! Great!! My Phone says 11:38, run through station, actually jumped over turnstile like they do in the films waving tickets at guy on gate!!!! lol Hope I looked cool on the CCTV!!

    Over bridge, (why did it have to other end of station!!) slide down handrail like a real action hero, arrive at platform as train pulls out of station!


    .........OK, there I am, watching 11:40 train leave (panting slightly), leaving me with a non refundable, non tranferable, this train only ticket!

    Collect thoughts, visit Subway and buy a big Steak and Cheese Sub (extra cheese, and South West sauce), debating next move. After warming food, wander back to ticket guy, to apologies for playing hurdles with his ticket barrier, and see what I do next. Single ticket to Brum on the day is £40, and still need to make the connection to Walsall at 14:40 in Brum.

    Ticket guy is cool, says it happens all the time, have chat, seems like best plan is to get next Virgin train, have a word with the inspector and go from there. Next trian I need is 12:10, which still get to Brummyland in time to make connection.

    Train arrives at Reading at 12:40!!!!!! damn, having sat at Basingstoke!!!!! (doh!!!!!! ) for a while due to flooding on the line.

    So get on train, as we're all alocated seats on tickets, I have nowhere to sit, so have to stand in the buffet car buying food and drinks to pass the time. No sign of the ticket inspector after 1/2 hour, so decide to look for a seat thats not taken before I run out of cash at the buffet.

    Found a seat next to a nice old lady, who atually really was really nice, but wouldn't stop chatting!!! I was looking forward to a couple of hours relaxing on the train, had a couple Terry Pratchet audio books on my Ipod, a book to read and maybe even get some sleep. But hey ho, it felt rude to ignore her. So deep lifestyle/'trouble with today' discussions followed for a hour.

    After a bit trian stopped in the middle of nowhere, Cows on the line! 1/2 hour later we're off again. Get to some station in the wilds of Northampton, another dalay!!!! Points failure outside station. by this time its getting on for 14:00, have no signal to get hold of guy meeting me at Walsall. Balls!

    By this time the trian is so late, we are only minutes ahead of the next train behind us, and at every station people are getting on this one, and one behind is empty. Ticket guy is on the tannoy getting annoyed, telling peolpe to get off and wait for next train as they are on the wrong one and will be charged a surcharge. Great thinks I, I'm already on the wrong train.......

    Bit later, ticket guys cruises part checking tickets, I'm wearing my biggest, helpfullest 'sorry, I'm completely in your hands, not going cause trouble, give me a break mate' smile as he gets to me.....

    ...and he's cool with it!! Result!!! "Can't be bothered mate, you're fine" as he wanders off down the train. Wahay, praps things are looking up!. :phew: as I've only about £20 left after the food fest earlier.

    Recap, no extra to pay, ticket inspector cool, train currently 2 hours later getting to Birmingham New Street than planned. No phone signal to contact guy meeting me at Walsall station at 14:05. ie now, and we're still not yet at Coventry.

    Back to the train.... happy now, knowing fare isn't going to cost any more, connection to Walsall well missed as well, but should be able to blag it as this train SHOULD have still got to New Street in time to catch it so its Virgin trains problem, not mine.

    Chatting with old lady still, she's got on the train at Bournmouth, going to Manchester, I say I hope she brought a sleeping bag and supplies, which makes her laugh her so much her teeth fall out! Honestly.....

    Finally the train pulls into Brimingham, train driver thanks everyone for their patience, decides he has to go home now so is leaving the train here as well and a new driver will be along soon. Wish the lady luck with her journey, and finally get off the train.

    Have a signal, so ring guy, he's not far from where I am, so says forget going to Walsall, he'll pick me up here. Hayhay!! Another break Suely the day is coming good at last.

    Wander around the Bullring shopping center, looking for a cash machine to withdraw the required funds, proud of myself for resisting going in various food shops, including a huge Pick-n-Mix, and a Ben and Jerrys.

    Find a Cash machine, great, insert card, give me £650......nah! This is over you're daily limit sir!! Oh crap, here I am in 100's of miles from home, to buy a car to get me home, and sans the money to buy it!

    Withdraw £300, then think, AHAH! I have L's card on me as well, (needed it to claim tickets at Reading, what seemed a good few weeks ago now...) Put L's card in.......sorry, that amont not available! Double crap! Its a account limit per day, not a card limit!!! Don't have any money in my other bank account I can use.

    Ring L with the problem. she rings a branch, and if I can get to a branch, they'll let me have the rest of the ££. Great, but slight problem, I'm in a mystery town, with no idea where the nearest RBS branch is. Time is getting on, don't want them to shut.

    Guy arrives, picks me up, and asks, " so, had a good trip?" hmmmm, where do you start!!

    "Yeah, fine" says I, master of the understatement, "sorry I'm so late." Linda rings back, says there is a branch in Walsall, so we hot foot it there, expaining the cash flow problem on the way. Luckly he knows where it is, so well within closing time, I have the rest of his money, and we're off to see the car.

    Its fine, he's cool with giving me the log book, so mate can fill in later (don't know all his details) make a reciept with a time on it, so he can't get any hassle if I get stopped on the way home.

    Check the water level, have 6 liters of water in the boot and I'm on my merry way. Buy £40 worth of Diesel (a mistake in hindsight!!) and get on to the M6, light traffic, about 4pm, looking good. 1 mile down the road temp gauage is in the red!! Bugger! Their not suposed to do it that quick, I've limped loads of Surfs with duff heads home in the past!

    So I let it cool down, just about to start pouring water in and Mr Plod arrives on the scene. "Hello sir, everything OK?"

    Bugger, glance at the windscreen, offer a quick prayer to whoever is listening up there in Godland and dosn't mind a temporary member.....

    THE TRUCK HAS TAX, till the end of this month, thank FAWK for that!!, it never crossed my mind till then! Everything else is cool, its not my truck, and I'm covered to drive anything not owned by me on my insurance, so thats cool, Mr Plods computer also says the truck has a MOT as well. Phew.

    I convince them I know what I'm doing, have plenty of water on board to get the truck moving again, am in the AA if need be, blaa, blaa......they take my mobile number, and will call in 1/2 hour to see if I'm OK.

    So we're off again, I make it to some services, buy 15l's of stupidly expensive mineral water, bottle of Rad Weld, pour it all in the truck, hit the road...........

    end of part 1
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...

  • #2
    Part 2 (did you know there is limit to each post!! I didn't till now )

    This time we nearly made it to the M40 junction, before the gauge hits the red line, lots of steam out the bonnet, and we roll to a halt next a emergency phone in the M6's only mobile sauna as a heater hose bursts behind the dash.

    OK, game over, Call the AA. They'll be a hour. "Please wait behind the barrier sir out of the car". Bugger that! Its freezing! Lay front passenger seat down, make myself comfy leaning on dash, looking back up the motorway realy to bail quickly if something appears to be barreling down the hard shoulder towards me!

    Just to add insult to injury, interier lights don't work, so can't read, and frigging alarm goes off every 10mins unless the car is locked up or running, niether of with is going happen I'm afraid!!

    Start ringing friends to make sure they are miserable as me, till credit runs out on phone! Rubbish!!

    Ah, and BTW, remember the policemen from earlier, when I was sitting on the crash barrier on the emergency phone to the AA, they cruised past, waved, tooted horn and appeared to find the whole thing very funny! Thanks guys, don't bother stopping and being useful with your flashing lights so I could sit in the car safely!

    Its now 6pm, dark, cold very little cash left, (like I can use it anyway on the hard shoulder!! lol) and no credit. AA should be here any time soon.........

    The very nice man rolled up about 6:30, with a flat bed truck, "cool!! no messing around with the little man in a van trying to fix it, then having to wait again for recovery" thinks I. Jumped in his heated cab, hmm lovely, stuffing cold toes up heater vents while he loads it on the back.
    Then the bad news, Mr AA declares."Hello, I'm blaa...., I've come to transport you to the next services, where you can safely wait for the patrol to and sort you out" EEK!! thats not good! Its terminal, I know it is, the AA knows it is (Recent conversations on the phone while waiting to previous owner reveal it was recovered to his house last week by them, but I need to keep this quiet as they might got iffy about recovering it twice..... )
    So in the attempt avoid another hours wait for a patrol, and then another hours wait again for the recovery truck, I change into 'Professional Mechanic' gear......
    "I'm not trying to teach you guys how to suck eggs, but I work on these trucks exclusively, when a 2.4 motor overheats, 99% of the time it cracks the head, its a known flaw, I've already dumped a bottle of rad weld in it (The AA also put a bottle of K-seal in it last week, which is the ultimate crack sealer, but i can't divulge this for above mentioned reasons) and its still puked up 10l of coolant in 2 miles, twice since the last junction."
    "OK" says driver, I'll have a word with base. :fingers crossed:
    He has a chat, discussions with controllers, waiting.......driver's happy to do it. (He later says he'd much rather do one trip to basingstoke till the end of his shift, than lots of messing around locally, so he's on my side.)
    And its cleared! Wahoo!! We're going home.
    1/2 mile later we're sitting in traffic,
    1/2 hour later, we're off again!! Wahoo!
    1/2 mile later, we're sitting in..........
    You get the idea, fast foward to about 9:00pm, to save time........

    Things are going great, drivers friendly, we get on well, lots to talk about, then he notices that the AA lorry needs fuel, and they only have cards for Total and another, and all we cruise past are BP garages and others, I offer to pay for fuel on my credit card (I'm nearly skint of cash now), the low fuel light is on, and I JUST WANNA GET HOME..........miles roll by...he says its fine, I'm sure I felt the lorry hiccup.......Finally a Total garage apopears on the horizon, like an well lit oasis in our dark desert off the A34. Phew.....

    Stock up on a Pasty and Mars bar while he's filling up, keep in drivers good books by getting him one to.

    Ring Pup with last of credit, we're not far from Chievely services, at the M4/A34 junction at Newbury, and Newbury is only 1/2 hour from home. Put the kettle on honey!!

    So you think we home and dry?...........

    Nah, don't be silly!!! This is me remember. As we get to Cheively service, he pulls in!! huh? we got fuel about 10mins ago??? "Need a break here mate, Tacho's up!! ARRRGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!

    We're 1/2 hour from home, and now we have to stop for 3/4 hour!! Fawkity fawk!!! (I have a HGV lisence, I know its not drivers fault just the law, but still annoying!!) Its pushing 11pm, services are semi closed and quiet.

    AA man starts getting badgered by some pikey, who's towing a car with no windows and doors behind his car, and now this has broken down, and wants join now, and then thinks the AA man can leave me here for a bit while he takes both his cars down the road, "its not far, bejeezus, give us break..." ROTFL!!

    The guy is told is £150 to join if you've broken down, and he'll have to wait his go. He stomps off swearing and cursing at his girlfriend/wife/sister across the car park in darkness while the filthy offspring of their unholy union is casing all the car in the car park for nickable stuff. No offence intended, but these were completely sterotypical pickeys, I almost pee'd myself laughing. Real Travellers must hate these people.

    I scraped up enough cash to buy a portion of Onion Rings form Burger King. and sat in the lounge to pass the time. Surfy got a few aimless texts, as it was her turn to amuse me. Sassy got lucky, my free texts seem to stop if you don't have credit. Poopy-poo.

    There nothing more soul numbing then a 1/2 closed dark services late at night, odd people come and go between loos and entrance, I tried smiling at a few people, but thats obviously not done, and they were happy being grumpy. Even putting my feet up on the chair in front didn't get any interaction with outraged staff, so took them off again, as it would annoy me!! lol

    Finally some entertainment!!! (sorry L, forgot to tell you this last night, you've have loved it!!) Jr pikey runs out of the shop with pockets full of sweets, only to try and run through a closed glass door!! bwahaha, he slides cartoon like down the door, to drop in a pile of squashed chocolate and stinky clothes. Staff grab him, police are crusing the car park so are on the scene instantly, Owners of crying horrible brat are threatening to sue the services, while at the same time they're all being arrested by the Plod. At this point I'm almost falling on the floor, and I'm sure I've wee'd myself laughing.

    AA guy appears, we're ready, so leave the joyous scene of this countrys future, and we're on our way again.

    The rest is dull, crusied the last leg of the trip, got home about midnight, unloaded truck, AA guy declined coffee as he wanted to get home, parked Surf on drive, greeting by ever-enthusiastic dawgs and Pup. Went to bed for a long time. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Thats it!! Thank you for your time good people.

    If there is moral to this story, its trying to save money rarely works, but public transport and the public in general are unpredicable!

    How was your Wednesday?
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      Fantastic stuff mate!

      Tidy it up, collect some more stories and write a book! If Clarkson can do it...
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #4
        Originally posted by TonyN View Post
        How was your Wednesday?
        Finished work at 6am, went to bed.
        Got up at 11am, walked the dogs.
        Went to B&Q using mothers diamond card, got stuff for shed roof.
        Fitted shed roof, went to bed.

        On reflection, I think yours was more eventfull!
        Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


        • #5
          That was great, very entertaining, and surprisingly few spelling mistakes considering the amount of text. But why are you typing an epic saga when you should be fixing the offending truck?

          It's no good putting it off you know. Procrastination is the thief of time!

          'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


          • #6
            Day Out

            Hi Tony as you know i bought that 3litre T/D Surf from devon, i went down for it last Friday the 15th. Started off from Liverpool at 05-50am after a nice run straight there arrived 10-25am 246miles had a nice chat and cuppa with "Guy" person selling the Surf, got my "A" frame out off the Landcruiser hooked it up the Surf and started off back home, few hold ups near brummy land ofcourse and then plain sailing the rest of the way home, oh nearly for got stopped off at services for dinner.
            Got home around 17-45pm put £100 of fuel in but did not use al of it not bad mpg for a 4.2T/D Landcruiser and towing a Surf back 246miles. As long as the vehicle you are going for is towable those "A" frames are fantastic and they dont take up any space like a trailer, mine is an ex "AA" one with new straps and ratchets when i bought some 15 years ago, i would not be with out it.D
            Live Life To The Full


            • #7
              Doesn't a vehicle need to be taxed if it's being towed with an 'A' frame?

              'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


              • #8
                Tony you should have said...
                You could have got the train to Warwick, I could have given you a lift to pick up the truck from here...... You don't want to be going into that Birmingham on yer own....
                it's in me shed, mate.


                • #9
                  I've only read half way and now want a photo of you so I can put an image to all of this
                  Last edited by Snorkel; 22 February 2008, 12:50.
                  Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Snorkel View Post
                    I've only read half way and now want a photo of you so I can put an image to all of this
                    Good man, about time we got this out again


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                      Good man, about time we got this out again

                      That photo will never die!!!!
                      Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                      • #12
                        A photo of Tony in his normal aspect.

                        Ahhhh the angle grinder.
                        Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                        • #13
                          HAHA - Now I've finished reading it all, and have the photo to match -it makes it all the more funnier somehow, lol. Given me a smile anyway. Cheers!
                          Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


                          • #14
                            Best thread of the week.

                            I am sitting at my desk at work bored to death and now everyone thinks I am mad as I cant stop giggling!!!!!


                            • #15
                              i think Neil Diamond hit the Nail on the head when he sang " some days a diamond, some days a stone".
                              You get days of both extremes. I had the opposite last year when I went to ireland to see a game, perfect trip over, got fab tickets etc and was telling my mate in the pub how good it was all going when the bar man gave me change from a £20 even though I gave him £10.
                              that was the opposite of your day but i think everyone has had one of them (especially if you have been on a train)
                              Last edited by fergus; 22 February 2008, 16:46.

