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Finally - we did it!!

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  • Finally - we did it!!

    We traded our Toyota Carib for a 3l, diesel, 1995 SSR-X.

    After all the humming and hahing we chose an auto, mainly as the manual was going to cost us $12,000 more.

    And its diesel as the miles we do is much higher than originally expected, so diesel is the more economical means of travel.

    And my husband is suffering from the "I drive a SURF and I want everyone to know it" syndrome. He wouldn't leave the vehicle alone on the first day and instead of parking it in a parking building today, he's taken it to work and is parked out front!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Leatrix
    We traded our Toyota Carib for a 3l, diesel, 1995 SSR-X.

    After all the humming and hahing we chose an auto, mainly as the manual was going to cost us $12,000 more.

    And its diesel as the miles we do is much higher than originally expected, so diesel is the more economical means of travel.

    And my husband is suffering from the "I drive a SURF and I want everyone to know it" syndrome. He wouldn't leave the vehicle alone on the first day and instead of parking it in a parking building today, he's taken it to work and is parked out front!

    hi and welcome, i think we all have the "i drive a surf syndrome" in here and why not, it,s the best motor iv,e ever had. anything you need to know, try the search facility or just ask, someone will help you out.



    • #3
      you will not regret it.

      All the best.



      • #4
        He got the I drive a Surf syndrome and you have the how can I get him out of it syndrome, smile it never goes away.
        Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

        My 4x4
        My choice
        Back off

