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ghosts?? what ya think

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  • ghosts?? what ya think

    to be honset its an age old question
    are ghosts real or not??
    well i will be shot down by most of you by this
    feel free to do so
    i was involed with a with a team of ghost hunters
    for a while
    thing is
    i live with one his name is percy snodhall
    most my mates did not beleave me but over the 8 years we lived with percy
    my mates have changed there veiw they too have seem him too
    from time to time things get smashed plates dishes things like that
    he buggs to dog to every now and then he puts he toys on the top of the doors on on the wardrobe
    amongst other things he freeks out my wife from time to time mostly when she is in the bath gives me a giggle
    i put up with percy coz it was (is) his house and i respect that fact

    this is up the all aspects of freedom of speech not every one would even think that any thing like this could be true but thats life i suppose
    who beleaves and who dont
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

  • #2
    Dunno mate, never seen one and dont want to, what does annoy me tho is the tv programms that cash in on it, all effect and no substance, dogs pick up on all sorts of sounds that make em act odd and put the wind up ya
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #3
      I believe there is some sort of ghost or spiritual activity.

      My reasons:-
      When we lived in London, my dads mum, my nan, lived with us. One day me and my mum came home from picking me up from school. I couldnt open the bathroom door, i could just see legs on the floor. It was nan, she had died. Our upstairs floorboards would creek if walked on. At night time, while we would be downstairs watching t.v. the floorboards would creak one at a time, like they were being walked on, then the dog would go upstairs for a bit. One night, the flower in the pot next to nans bed fell off and smashed. It was far from the edge of the table there to make sure it would never get nudged off. Mum and dad decided we were gonna move as nan had always said NO to moving house. Then, the day we moved to Hayle, a complete, unopened bottle of cooking oil that was on the side in the kitchen just melted, bottle and all.

      When we lived at Hayle, my dad died in the front room. They did everything they could, from mobile electric pads to a trackioptomy, which is where they insert a breathing tube into the throat. The tiniest bit of blood on the carpet never came out, no matter how much scrubbin, scraping and stain removal. Somtimes the 3 dogs we had would go and sit under the table, around the chair he used to sit in. Also, one day i walked in the front door into the kitchen and smelt perfume. I shouted to mum, " why are you wearing purfume? ". She replied " im not!". She came into the kitchen and told me the smell was my dads favorite perfume that he used to like her to wear, however there was no reason for the smell being there.

      So there ya go. My reasons for believing there is something.


      • #4
        Sorry but, while I appreciate that many people do believe and have had odd experiences, if they did exist the country would be overrun with them and you'd see one everytime you turned round!

        In most cases they only seem to exist in old, dark, gloomy houses.
        If whether or not they exist is down to the manner of their death (violent etc) you would expect place like the Wests' house and Rillington place to be alive(!) with them.

        On the other hand, playing devil's advocate, the may exist but only people who are especially perceptive, in a way that the rest of us are not, are aware of them.

        Strewth it's painful sitting on this fence!

        [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B][I][SIZE=3]When the going gets tough - Get out !!![/SIZE][/I][/B][/FONT]


        • #5
          The only thing i dont believe in in weegee boards. Wot a load of codswallop they r!!!!
          A guy i work with reckons his nan spoke to him through a weegee board then he got flung through the window into the front garden.


          • #6
            those tv shows are just full of dissrepect for the dead
            camra tricks mostly
            i know more on this subject than iam saying
            its only been 80 years since that pepole like me was locked up like a loony

            weegee boards do work if done proberly but getting thrown out of a window?? ask that guy if it spellt out his name if they want ya they have no reason not to say so ( weegee boards dont fluk around with one)

            your never alone and yes ghosts are every were but not like the sh1t thats on telly its not all boom and gloom trust me its a miss conception that its all down to were and how they died ?? some are joyfull and amazeing to see
            others make me run off they make me ill
            its more like choise go were ya want bound in one place is bull sh1t
            some wont move very far thats all
            its not like there is a book on the code of conduct for ghosts
            good and bad in all of us
            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


            • #7
              I think that some people are more sensitive than others to "seeing" ghosts, and that most of the ghosts that are "seen" are here because perhaps they feel they have unfinished business.

              I say "seen" because although we see with our eyes, this information is processed by the brain, and therefore the brain can "see" things that aren't there, but we believe we see it ( LSD for instance can cause hallucanations)

              There is a school of thought that ghosts are actuall a bleed through of time, ie we are seeing a snippet of the past, like a crossover in time, so we're seeing the living in their own time, not the dead in our time.

              Anyhoo, this is far too intelectual for a sunday morning, I need a cup of tea, and then I'm taking Harley down the beach.

              Still working for the man!


              • #8
                I reckon you're all barking

                Nah, not really, but I do believe there are possibilities as Plumb Bob suggests that what people are seeing is a kind of window in time. Science does make some allowances for existance of different dimensions.

                However, my personal belief is its similar kind of psychology to why people believe they seen UFOs, why they believe in a God, why they believe in ghosts. It's psychologically very hard to get your head round the possibility that we are totally alone in the universe.

                I'll qualify the above by suggesting that we aren't in fact alone. I believe there is other life in the universe (its too big for it not to be so), but I'm not sure its been here. The jury is still out on God (or Gods) but I believe that if there is something that answers the description of an all powerful being, its likely to be someone from a race so far advanced from ours that they would be to all intents and purposes, God-like. As for ghosts, I dont believe its 'the dead' coming back. Death is kind of final. And as said before, the streets would be thick with them - like the return of the Cybermen episode

                <edit> Oh, and its ouija, not weegee! Now, THAT'S Pedantry in action
                Last edited by Apache; 10 February 2008, 12:14.
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #9
                  Blimey mate, thats a bit deep for a sunday morning aint it?!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                    those tv shows are just full of dissrepect for the dead
                    camra tricks mostly
                    i know more on this subject than iam saying
                    its only been 80 years since that pepole like me was locked up like a loony

                    weegee boards do work if done proberly but getting thrown out of a window?? ask that guy if it spellt out his name if they want ya they have no reason not to say so ( weegee boards dont fluk around with one)

                    your never alone and yes ghosts are every were but not like the sh1t thats on telly its not all boom and gloom trust me its a miss conception that its all down to were and how they died ?? some are joyfull and amazeing to see
                    others make me run off they make me ill
                    its more like choise go were ya want bound in one place is bull sh1t
                    some wont move very far thats all
                    its not like there is a book on the code of conduct for ghosts
                    good and bad in all of us



                    • #11
                      i dont do tv very much but i have watch most haunted a few times its the biggest load of bull i have ever seen
                      ever noiticed how the blondie woman sh1ts her self when its not a staged lol
                      she is no investiagter
                      and every ghost that the scose guy gets taken over by just so happends to have a scose acsent too!
                      amaze's me how its got loads of followers tho when ya can clearly see its staged
                      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                      • #12
                        I knew weegee was the incorrect spelling, but couldnt be bothered to go into all that spelling stuff. I just thought id wait for someone to correct it for me. Cheers Apache. Now i know how to spell ouija.


                        • #13
                          Programmes such as "Most Haunted" probably started off with a serious enough agenda but soon declined into a docu-pantomime..If you check out some of the "psychic-fraud" websites, they are full of "out-takes" from the show revealing some of the "events" to be little more than "in-jokes"..Ie, Derek acorah's famous "Fanny loves Dick" gag..

                          So called "orbs" are another nonsense that captured the public's imagination when the "haunted" team professed them to be "evidence" and the first manifestation of an entity..They are not..They are insects and dust..I can create them on digi-cam with consistant reliability..

                          Derren Brown, Richard Dawkins, Richard Wiseman, Susan Blakemore, James Randi and Chris French amongst others have always been very outspoken against mediums and ghosts..And a big part of me would like to sit back smugly whilst declaring all such visitations and apperitions are nothing more than temporal lobe epillepsy or a strong need to feel our deceased loved ones continue to exist..It would fit with my desire to always have neat boxes drawn around everything so as to give a semblence of order to my chaotic life..but i can't..

                          We live in a modern-ish house in a quiet market town..We had what i'd call a fleeting visitation by "something"..There was a temperature drop, a dramatic one at that..The cat "saw" something and it's gaze was transfixed upon this "something" whilst it apparently walked around the room..Casette tapes were flung from a shelf in a manner i've never been able to recreate and a clock withouit batteries started to tick for a good three hours after this brief "event"..Thankfully, "it" never returned..

                          I gather there are many different types of "haunting"..What we experienced [and i suggest the origional poster too] was a Poltergiest..

                          The "old woman on the stairs" kinda thing seems to be some kind of replay of a tragic or common event..

                          Psychic smells are quite common too..Sometimes they are of such a personal nature that those witnessing them feel they have in some way connected with a loved one..This happened to my Mother and Aunt when my Gran passed away..The day after the funeral the room was filled with the fragrance of Fuscias [her favourite flower]..Both were moved to tears and the comfort they gained from the "psychic hug" was quite evident, although i was too young to really understand it at the time..

                          I find the subject very intrequing, if not a little confusing..Some paranormal activity seems to point at "soul survival", yet some is as impersonal as a slide show projected onto an established spooky atmosphere [as someone suggested, old creepy houses seem to feature predominantly]..I'm kinda on the fence, but leaning towards the "something". Why can't one of those ghostie things just turn up in the "News At Ten" studio, look to camera and shout "get a load of me"?


                          • #14
                            The answer is pretty simple, If you think they they are real, then they are to you. May not be to me or anyone else, but thats of no account.

                            Сви можемо


                            • #15
                              I personally don't believe in 'ghosts' in any way shape or form. I am willing to believe the possibility of somehow seeing a past/future event through some form of rip, but only just as there are some serious issues of physics to overcome before it could work.

                              Oh, and a small comment to Judwak, could you please work on your punctuation and capitalisation. It's very difficult to follow what you're trying to say when you don't appear to use sentences.
                              Paul </Slugsie>
                              Immortal.so far!

