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Sound responsive visuals

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  • Sound responsive visuals

    Does anyone on here know of any software that will give yo realtime sound responsive visuals, much like the winamp or WMP visual plugins, but that respond to a line in or mic in rather than music played off a cd drive or mp3s?

    freeware or opensource would be fantastic, if it does them at a fair resolution and fullscreen or output to a 2nd monitor or extended desktop would be even better.

    Aslong as it looks ok, smoothness and sound response are more important to me than ultra stunning graphics.

    Any ideas?
    =SOLD UP!=

  • #2
    Do a search over on freshmeat.net or sourceforge.net if you're looking for open source. One of those should have something.


    • #3
      yep try this.www.soundspectrum.com i can really recommend the whitecap.i sit mesmerised to the screen for hours.


      • #4
        cheers guys,

        i'll check out soundspectrum, sourceforge is already in my favourites, and freshmeat is about to be

        i just read that everyone's favourite (discontinued) music player - sonique will do it by putting 'sampler://1.in' in the open URL box. so i'll have to give that a go too.
        =SOLD UP!=


        • #5
          I just stuck whitecap in iTunes on my mac G5, looks awesome! cheers.

          yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


          • #6
            Not exactly sure what your looking for as your post is a little unclear.. but have you tried OTSDJ ? http://www.otsav.com/

            Its a good piece of kit.

            There are cracks for it it you look around ;-)
            -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-

