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If you sell on fleabay best stock up on vaseline

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  • #16
    That doesn't sound like a bad idea actually, if it can be worked out. Would have to be an honesty system, or it would place more work on Koi's shoulders.
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #17
      Originally posted by joe112 View Post
      we should start listing stuff on here... seling to people we know so no feedback problems... the equivelent of ebay fees to the forum as donation?? much easier and reises cash for koi's beer fund also!
      Thats a good idea at least we know that appart from the odd #### take we all get along,so feedback should be given to genuine sales and a percentage should go the forums charity
      SILENCE........................I ... kill you


      • #18
        have a seperate for sale section for it... only subscribed members can list but anyone can buy... highest bid wins over say 5 days only difference is bids are public... which is probably better anyway!

        (that reminds me... need to renew my subscription to get my star back!)

        i think were a pretty honest lot anyway koi would soon see if money stopped coming in
        Paranoid? They're out to GET YOU!


        • #19
          we could even call it fleabay... they'd love that!
          Paranoid? They're out to GET YOU!


          • #20
            agree with comments on pay pal as a buyer was never sent goods - started a complaint and got full refund.
            As a seller sold my sons car via ebay - guy bought it who turned out to be a trader = he started a dispute because he did a hpi check on the car and found out it had been cat ? whayever it was damaged.
            Now this damaged happened in March of 2004. my son bought the car off of a friends mate in July 2004. Only paid about £500 for the car in the first place and as his friend knew the seller and taking in to account the price of the car he never got it hpi checked.
            Buyer claimed I had lied in the advert, so I phoned pay pal to say how can you lie when you about something you knew nothing of. I explained that the buyer had stated the accident damage was in March and the log book showed the car registerered to my son in july also i contacted hpi to ask if they could provide evidence that we never had a hpi check done, they could do a letter t that effect. So how the hell do you lie about something you knew nothing about - this robotic knob i spoke to at pay pal stated they always side with the buyer, i argued the fact you cant side with someone when evidence proves contrary to what they are claiming.
            He still maintained they sided with my buyer and would be advisable to settle the dispute, ended up giving him a token amount of money back.
            Lesson learnt, when I buy I use pay pal because I am protected by pay pals the buyer is always right attitude.
            And having of late only sold collection only items its simple cash on collection no pay pal.
            Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

            My 4x4
            My choice
            Back off


            • #21
              The answer?

              Nissan Patrol for on-road, and a Land-Rover 110 shed for off-road :-)


              • #22
                Originally posted by Apache View Post
                What a joke! We've been conned by buyers probably 20 or 30 times in 4 years, probably to the tune of a total of £750 or so. EACH TIME eBay have been totally ineffectual, offering 'standard emails' to us. PayPal is a waste of time too, telling us we 'should have checked the buyer was genuine'. Erm, guess who own PayPal? Yeah, eBay - that'd be right!

                eBay seem to side with the buyer all of the time, probably cos its easier, and they dont want to give us any money back. Well, after Vicki clears the last of the stock, they can blow it out their ar$e as they say.
                I've had sh1t from both sides, as a buyer when a seller took the cash and never sent the items, wouldn't reply to E-mails + phone calls, it took 3 MONTHS to get the cash back from Pay pal.

                I also had an abusive buyer who after swearing left ME bad feedback, E-bay wern't bothered and was the buyer banned..... errrrr no.

                It's a shame it comes to closing a business just because e-bay can't be bothered to get involved in resolving disputes. Who is going to be the purveyer of the kinky footware now?
                Bring me the head of a treehugger

