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goverment says we cant be british anymore

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  • #16
    best thing i read on here ever
    very nicly but marky very nice
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


    • #17
      Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
      best thing i read on here ever
      very nicly but marky very nice
      I pinched it from another FORUM


      • #18
        fine words to good to be spoken don't wan't to offend anyone though
        SILENCE........................I ... kill you


        • #19
          Originally posted by marky View Post
          I pinched it from another FORUM
          still cool
          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


          • #20
            Originally posted by marky View Post

            Well, I suppose we can dream but unfortunately there isn't a politician in these once proud islands with the guts, backbone to come anywhere near uttering those words.
            there are, but mud gets slung at them and their supporters, and the headlines for this party usually include the tw@ts out there on the streets beating shoit out of people while doing Nazi salutes.

            people believe what they read in mainstream press only. i know who i'm voting for from now on.

            Britain for the British thank you.
            i swear, it was like that when i got here...


            • #21
              We have had immigrants since the stone age and all have intergrated with our way of life bringing minor change ...............

              what i DO NOT LIKE is people coming to this country and telling us how we should live

              Like learning there language .....


              If you do not like it go back where you are from .......if you are willing to adapt stay


              • #22
                Polish is pretty easy to speak afterall

                pszczolka (pronounced pshchoowkah) - bee

                przedzierzgnac (pron pshedsherszgnonch) - change

                szczescie (pron shchenshcheh) - luck

                trzeszczec (pron trsheshchech) - creak

                przepchnac (pron prszephnonch) - push

                przedrzezniacz (pron prshedrsheshniach) - mocking bird

                wstrzasnac (pron vstrshasnonch) - shake

                yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                • #23
                  Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
                  Polish is pretty easy to speak afterall

                  pszczolka (pronounced pshchoowkah) - bee

                  przedzierzgnac (pron pshedsherszgnonch) - change

                  szczescie (pron shchenshcheh) - luck

                  trzeszczec (pron trsheshchech) - creak

                  przepchnac (pron prszephnonch) - push

                  przedrzezniacz (pron prshedrsheshniach) - mocking bird

                  wstrzasnac (pron vstrshasnonch) - shake

                  Thats my tounge twisted
                  then again i was told at school dont't bother with languages as i am useless that way


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                    i wanted a tatto of the nights templar on the cruseades
                    i was told i cant have it
                    but i will get it one day from some were
                    come on down.....(bring ya design) my BEST mate owns a tattoo shop ! ! ! any time mate ! ! ! we'll do some lanes too......before the tat that is ! ! ! !

                    Last edited by fatboy33; 4 February 2008, 07:38.
                    " loving my surf "


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Vagrant No2 View Post
                      I am English not British . They going to ban me be that next ?
                      what's the difference?
                      I thought tht brittish was england including scotland, wales and northern ireland, and english was just england, and didn't include scotland or wales.

                      united kingdom of great brittain and northern ireland and al that.
                      Oh Nana, what's my name?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by thecaretaker View Post
                        Apparently we should be ashamed of our past history,what a load of sh#t
                        We should be proud,
                        I say sod off and leave us british alone
                        Time to raise the flag of our country
                        where's the scotts?

                        they still hate us because of our history...

                        brittain had an empire once, gave it all back though like swapsies at school.
                        Oh Nana, what's my name?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
                          where's the scotts?

                          they still hate us because of our history...
                          It depends on where you go. I've spoken to many a scot, and whilst some scots hate "us" with a passion some are ok.

                          I might stand corrected, but a lot of the English/Scottish history is back to religion.

                          I was once in a pub in the centre of Glasgow, in my Hibs Shirt, surrounded by a sea of Celtic shirts, this huge Glaswegion came up to me and my (now) ex and asked if we were going to the match, we said yes and they told us to follow them as Celtic Park is near to a "loyalist" area and we were wearing the wrong type of shirt. Similar Hearts fans often display the union jack when they play Hibs.

                          I have no problem with English/Scottish/Welsh/Irish/etc,etc,etc, But it does annoy me when people arrive in our country and decide to live by their rules and not ours. If I went to Live in Saudi and decided to live by my laws what would happen

                          Oh, tree huggers annoy me, intensely.

                          Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
                          brittain had an empire once, gave it all back though like swapsies at school.
                          what did we get back in swaps, it didn'r seem llike much
                          Bring me the head of a treehugger


                          • #28

                            And they wonder why support for the B.N.P. is growing steadily?


                            • #29
                              anyone seen the film 'children of men'? portrays a very worrying insight into the immigration debate... cages on street corners for holding the illegal, whole districts of london turned into giant prison camps... i'm getting out within the next ten years- i think this countries going to get a lot worse


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by progrob View Post
                                anyone seen the film 'children of men'? portrays a very worrying insight into the immigration debate... cages on street corners for holding the illegal, whole districts of london turned into giant prison camps... i'm getting out within the next ten years- i think this countries going to get a lot worse
                                yep brill film,bexhill the fugees camp!

