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New Big Wales Route

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  • New Big Wales Route

    After considerable thought and alcohol, we have had a change of heart on the routes for the Big Wales trip - this is also largely down to Wales having won the rugby!!!

    So - Sod Wales, we're off to Norfolk and Suffolk for the weekend in May - cos it's better there, we understand the language, and the currency is the same too....

    So, get your stuff together all of you, and we will see you in Kings Lynn for the start of the route!!!

    There hyou ngo all you wales fetishissts!!!

    <edit> Isn' it, is it?

    Love you
    Last edited by Apache; 3 February 2008, 01:18.
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    YEs - it's true - we've bundled Boyo into a black van, as he wouldn't shut up about 20 years of hurt or some other such nonsence.....so he is half way to Glasgow now.....wearing nothing but his Wales rugby shirt....

    So we've had a skinful, Boyo's been abducted and we're going to plan the new routes in the morning! Come on Suffolk!!!!!!

    <edit> Love you too!
    Too old to care, young enough to remember


    • #3
      Anyone seen Apache?

      He was out with boyo and Mudsurfer tonight. He never came home...
      Want Stickers? Ask Apache!


      • #4
        Well, not yet i aint, but if i bump into him down here, then id like to know how he got here.

        Kebab compass i reckon.....


        • #5
          Passed out on the pool table ............

          So we are going east then .............HOW FLAT

