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Friday Pub Countdown

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  • Friday Pub Countdown

    Only 5 hours remaining.

    Tequilla - breakfast of heros.

  • #2
    4 hours to go............
    More Lift.
    More Tyres.
    More Engine.


    • #3
      I cant go out for a beer cos i have a chest infection so shut up about it
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
        I cant go out for a beer cos i have a chest infection so shut up about it

        Just had an email from my Mrs saying as my mate is visiting tomorrow I am strictly on a two pint deal tonight which has kinda pinched the fun out of it.

        Hope your chest infection clears up soon matey.
        Tequilla - breakfast of heros.


        • #5
          Lucky buggers .....i in on O/T tonight to pay for the parts for the money pit


          • #6
            I'm suffering with a hangover from last night.. and another 5 hours and we will be meeting up and doing it all again
            -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


            • #7
              Originally posted by max6674 View Post
              I'm suffering with a hangover from last night.. and another 5 hours and we will be meeting up and doing it all again
              I've been meaning to ask for ages, that pic in your avetar, how'd ya do it? thats some bit of parking
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #8
                He he he.. my ex decided to take a corner a little on the fast side (although she wont admit it). She ended up losing the back end, clipped the curb then rolled it through a wall and onto its roof in a car park.. It was caught on CCTV and we p1ss funny to watch..
                -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


                • #9
                  37 minutes here, then home take away food and beer up in front the tv. Maybe a spot off wii too. Living for the weekend
                  Hold my beer and watch this


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by max6674 View Post
                    He he he.. my ex decided to take a corner a little on the fast side (although she wont admit it). She ended up losing the back end, clipped the curb then rolled it through a wall and onto its roof in a car park.. It was caught on CCTV and we p1ss funny to watch..
                    Jeez she must have been going some, i trust she walked away from it ok,
                    if it was my old woman i'd have finished her off when she climbed out
                    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                    • #11
                      Lookin forward to tonight! Im on the 2nd week of 5, Of 5am starts.

                      If anyone offers you a job an then says 5am start - unless were talking millions of £ - tell them to **** ***


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                        Jeez she must have been going some, i trust she walked away from it ok,
                        if it was my old woman i'd have finished her off when she climbed out

                        She walked away with a cut on her finger, or something silly. She was in the back of the ambulance when I got there, the police opened the door so I could see her. She was in tears and I just looked at her, shook my head and walked off.. got my tea on the table and on time for weeks after thats
                        -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-

