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the ###### cat died!!

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  • the ###### cat died!!

    cat had 3 kittens, 8 weeks ago.... it didn't come home on tuesday night... Mrs slug found it dead in next doors front garden thursday morning.

    it's only 18 months old, can i get a refund??
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

  • #2
    Sorry to hear that Matt, not very old was she, any idea what the cause was?

    think the warranty's out tho
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #3
      [QUOTE=da SLUG man;405793]cat had 3 kittens, 8 weeks ago.... it didn't come home on tuesday night... Mrs slug found it dead in next doors front garden thursday morning.

      it's only 18 months old, can i get a refund??[/QUOTE]

      afraid not matt the warranty run out on tuesday
      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


      • #4
        Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
        Sorry to hear that Matt, not very old was she, any idea what the cause was?

        think the warranty's out tho

        It was feline ill.
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          Was it from Milners?


          • #6
            It looked at next door and died of fright, by the sound of it

            Are they the ADAMS family


            • #7
              Originally posted by da SLUG man View Post
              cat had 3 kittens, 8 weeks ago.... it didn't come home on tuesday night... Mrs slug found it dead in next doors front garden thursday morning.

              it's only 18 months old, can i get a refund??

              thats not right tho a cat dieing at that aged
              i would get a vet to do a postmortom on the poor thing its just dont sound right a cat of 18 mounths dieing like that
              have it checked out

              my cats 17 years old and fit has a fidle

              it just not right is it?? 18 mounths
              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


              • #8

                I'd surmise that she couldn't take the strain of raising triplets - I speak from personal experience .......

                Life is too important to take seriously !


                • #9
                  You dont live next door to Logey do you mate?

