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  • ask a stupid question...avoid looking stupid later

    so if we get a small amount snow and i need to go out on normal roads is it ok to drive in 4 wheel drive mode (in a 3rd gen) or do you really need lots of snow to avoid doing damage driving in 4X4 on normal road surface

  • #2
    You have an all wheel drive option on the 3rd gen, which means you can use 4wd on dry roads too!


    • #3
      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
      You have an all wheel drive option on the 3rd gen, which means you can use 4wd on dry roads too!
      I just want lots of SNOW
      Bring me the head of a treehugger


      • #4
        Do all 3rd Gens have the multi 4wd??? The first one I looked at had a different transfer box lever, I seem to recall it only had H4 and L4 all in a straight line as opposed to the "J" gate pattern.

        I must admit it is a handy feature! -Also nice that you can switch it "on the move"
        More Lift.
        More Tyres.
        More Engine.


        • #5
          my mate had a panda 4x4 which youu can switch on the move
          Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


          • #6
            as long as you select 4wd by pressing the button, not moving the stick, you'll be ok.
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


            • #7
              help with 2.4 water pump take off/ refitting

              has anyone had this problem, viscus fan wobbly wobbly, took it off and found the the pully seat was loose, water pump not leaking, my new pump has the pullry seat fixed on the end of the pump, in the haynes book it looks a single part.
              do you have to take the crankshaft pulley off or can you get it past the timing belt cover when partly open.
              could it be the bearing has gone? but no los of water!
              some people say leave the fan off ( less work for the engine ) put a electric one on, or leave on car heater on.
              has anyone done there water pump or can give some good tips , this would help me no end. thanks.
              ps there is no forms on water pumps, is this not a common thing!!! thanks eddie.


              • #8
                doubt it... try searching the tech forum instead.
                nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

