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This is probably crazy, so no laughing

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  • This is probably crazy, so no laughing

    I was just wondering if anyone has ever thought about or actually converted their surf to electric?!?! I know they weigh a few ton and you'd probably only get 20 miles to the charge, but still, I was just wondering

    Also, has anyone had any experiences with TPMS (tyre pressure sensor thingys) - do they work, are they a good idea?

  • #2
    i know lexus are toyota and they do a duel fuel motor now
    so i would look down that road lexus fit toyota to a degree
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


    • #3
      Seen a programme a few years ago about a guy who converted a classic Range Rover...

      The removal of the engine and gearbox reduced the weight, the electric motor went through a simple fixed gearbox, i think he used either car batteries or milk float batteries...not a flying machine, I think he had 50-60 miles range top speed 30-40mph, he just tootled around his village...

      Back in the day Baby


      • #4
        Surely until all UK electricity comes from renewable sources it's a bit of an oxymoron (if that's the right word) in terms of doing it for it's environmental impact?
        =SOLD UP!=


        • #5
          hahahahahaha electric
          Without Surf And Unhappy


          • #6
            Mines 95% electric now
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss

