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I missed my calling!!!

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  • I missed my calling!!!

    I'm gonna leave work and do what I always wanted to do!

    A degree in working in MacDonalds! Woohoo!!!

    Our illustrious leader Mr Brown, thinks its a good idea!

    The lunatics have taken over...
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    Can i have a Big Mac then please!!!!!!!!
    www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


    • #3
      I thought all those jobs were snapped up by the students with Fine Art Degrees

      yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


      • #4
        Originally posted by Apache View Post
        I'm gonna leave work and do what I always wanted to do!

        A degree in working in MacDonalds! Woohoo!!!

        Our illustrious leader Mr Brown, thinks its a good idea!

        The lunatics have taken over...
        I knew it was a waste of money paying tuition fees to do a HND in Mechanical Engineering.

        I should have just got a job in Kwik Fit and got one given to me
        If it can be broken it can be fixed


        • #5
          i'm not talking to McDonalds!!!

          i went in for my breakfast a week or 2 back and asked for my usual...

          double sausage and egg mcmuffin meal... (£2.89)

          they'd run out of hash browns, so i said i wasn't bothered... not really fussed about hashbrowns anyway!!

          he charged me £3.09

          huh??? that's 20p more!!

          so i asked why i have to pay 20p for something i'm not getting... he reckons it's the law, and they can't charge the full meal price!... erm???

          am i missing something??... i was willing to pay the regular price and just go without the hashbrown...

          the "manager" (kiddie) threw his toys out the pram and gave me my money back, but only the £3.09... NOT the fiver i'd given him!!!

          i nearly lost my temper!!

          (got the money in the end though!)
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


          • #6
            AND!!.... another time, the kiddie was filling up the coffee machine with milk and opened the milk bottle with his TEETH!!!


            i don't eat a disproportionate amount of McD's... just that there aren't many places to get something hot at 6am!!
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


            • #7
              Got banned from my local McDonalds - about the only time I ever used it - cos I complained that my burger and ice cream 'thingy' wasn't like the one in the picture above the counter!!! Nuff said!!!

              Cheers, Nick
              "The force will be with you, always!"


              • #8
                Soo hmmm whats the exam like.....

                (a) please study the 4 pictures below and circle the fries...

                (b) What is a McShite

                etc etc

                PS a McShite is when you go in to use the toilets but don't buy anything..

                Back in the day Baby


                • #9
                  Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
                  I thought all those jobs were snapped up by the students with Fine Art Degrees
                  Too subtle mate


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by da SLUG man View Post

                    i nearly lost my temper!!

                    (got the money in the end though!)
                    Ever seen 'Falling Down' (Michael Douglas) when he goes into a MacDonalds clone for something off the breakfast menu seconds after they go from one menu to another?

                    If you haven't, he shoots the place up - something I feel like doing whenevr I even pass near to a Maccy D's. No offence to people who use Maccy D's cos there's nowt else open, but have you noticed the amount of fat, greasy haired chavs with millions of babies in there?

                    Maccy D's is one of the (many) things responsible for removing the 'Great' from Britain.
                    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                    • #11
                      i love the way that whenever i go to the drive thru to get the little un a happy meal, i see someone i know from years ago, and it always seems to be the people you knew at school who always got straight A's and went on to university etc,

                      i bought a cheese burger the other day from there , i had 2 bites and couldnt stomache it, i gave it to the dog, it actually made me feel ill
                      PayPal for stickers : scuffsnscrapes@hotmail.com


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by animal View Post
                        i bought a cheese burger the other day from there , i had 2 bites and couldnt stomache it, i gave it to the dog, it actually made me feel ill
                        This is type of behaviour is uncalled for and the RSPCA have been informed


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by animal View Post
                          i bought a cheese burger the other day from there , i had 2 bites and couldnt stomache it, i gave it to the dog, it actually made me feel ill

                          i second that .............................. ........report him to the rspca ! ! !

                          mc murder ! ! !

                          " loving my surf "

