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A frame question.

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  • A frame question.

    Ok so heres the think. My better half intends to drag race her beetle this year and needs to take it to and from the race meetings.

    The car build project is fairly expensive so coughing for a trailer is out of the question.

    I have seen A frames advertised and this would seem to be the way forward.

    A couple of guys have suggested that these are now illegal.

    Any advice here would be cool.

    Cheers in advance.
    Tequilla - breakfast of heros.

  • #2
    there is new laws been brought in and it is confusing you would need to do some checking as i have been told if its not road worthy all 4 wheels must be of the ground unless its being recovered?
    i still tow the sj with a harvey frost though and never been stopped


    • #3
      if its not road legal you cant use an A frame. no one to hire from around your way?
      Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


      • #4
        i use one, used it monday to pull a surf in, AA still use them. look up intertrade on the web
        Last edited by tom222; 24 January 2008, 12:14.


        • #5
          Sorry I should have said the beetle will be road legal, MOTed and taxed.
          Tequilla - breakfast of heros.


          • #6
            would have thought its okay then


            • #7
              Where i live most cars are wrecks and illegal so if you look like you are doing what you are supposed to then all will be well.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Muddy Boots View Post
                Sorry I should have said the beetle will be road legal, MOTed and taxed.
                If it's road legal and taxed, A-frame should be fine. If they are illegal, it'll be news to a lot of people still using them. Just make sure it's upto the job. There are some really skanky ones knocking about.


                • #9
                  Cheers for the advice there guys.

                  I'm pretty sure the Surf would be up to the job but sadly its a VW Campervan that is going to be used to tow the beetle.

                  Should make for a leisurely drive that one.

                  Tequilla - breakfast of heros.


                  • #10

                    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it ISN'T legal (as an aside the majority of camper vans towing cars are also illegal)

                    I can't remember the exact details but to be legal it's got to be on a braked trailer if it's over 750kg - and before anybody shouts - there is a specific exemption for the recovery of a broken down vehicle.

                    I would also point out that you may be breaking the law if you were to temporarily disable the beetle by disconnecting something ........ but then again how would the coppers know it was deliberate ?????

                    Life is too important to take seriously !


                    • #11
                      have a look here
                      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

