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Sir Paul

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  • #46
    Originally posted by MattF View Post
    One quick question Linda. Are all people who live in the countryside, keep any type of livestock and own more than a few square metres of land uneducated country yokels? One, personally, would not presume to tar all non town dwelling people with such a large and heavily tarred brush, so why should anyone else believe they have the right to do so to others? Just curious.
    You don't when to call it day to you.

    This isn't a subject she has a sence of humour about, if you where as clever as you think you are you'd see this, instead of trying to dig lame arguements out of side issues in a post, why not stick to the subject.

    Or are you quite happy to see a living animal live its short life in pain, just so you can save a few pence on an egg?
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #47
      Originally posted by TonyN View Post
      You don't when to call it day to you.
      To be totally honest Tony, after a paragraph like that, no. Hence why, at that time in the morning, it was still such an annoying assumption and niggling at me. I've known and grown up with some of those 'types' who are stereo-typed within that type of swathing remark, and they put many a person to shame with the tolerance, effort and downright pure hard work they put into bringing up families in sometimes shocking circumstances and/or conditions, so yes, it annoys me.

      Originally posted by TonyN View Post
      This isn't a subject she has a sence of humour about, if you where as clever as you think you are you'd see this
      I have never once inferred, or otherwise suggested, at any time or anywhere, that I have any level of intelligence either above, on or below normal levels. Any judgement made on that point is made by others, not I.

      Originally posted by TonyN View Post
      Or are you quite happy to see a living animal live its short life in pain, just so you can save a few pence on an egg?
      Who said I am or do? Not I. As per my original point, a person known from television, who has merely found a way to boost their ratings and found something they know will hit a sore spot is not someone who should be taken at face value. Has he ever been a great crusader on this point in the past? Not unless I have missed something he hasn't.

      I'll leave the subject alone now, but please don't try to put me in the position of feeling out of order by guilt association.


      • #48
        Not wishing to get a in row, but some points need answering. Hopefully sensibly.

        Originally posted by MattF View Post
        To be totally honest Tony, after a paragraph like that, no. Hence why, at that time in the morning, it was still such an annoying assumption and niggling at me. I've known and grown up with some of those 'types' who are stereo-typed within that type of swathing remark, and they put many a person to shame with the tolerance, effort and downright pure hard work they put into bringing up families in sometimes shocking circumstances and/or conditions, so yes, it annoys me.
        No one is more annoyed than me at stereotyping people than me, being involved in the 4x4 scene makes sure of that. But why make such a big deal out of it, by dragging it out of a post, and offering no comment on bigger issues. Like the welfare of animals that was the important, passionate point that prompted the post.

        I have never once inferred, or otherwise suggested, at any time or anywhere, that I have any level of intelligence either above, on or below normal levels. Any judgement made on that point is made by others, not I.
        Far enough, but you know what I was getting at.

        Who said I am or do? Not I. As per my original point, a person known from television, who has merely found a way to boost their ratings and found something they know will hit a sore spot is not someone who should be taken at face value. Has he ever been a great crusader on this point in the past? Not unless I have missed something he hasn't.
        Who cares what his agenda is, if the cause is valid, absolutly fine. Hugh has been pimping the alternative food lifestyle at least 10 years on TV, who knows how long out of the limelight. The others are jerks IMHO, but I can live with that cos the issues are important. (the chicken one, not the anti-meat rubbish)

        I'll leave the subject alone now, but please don't try to put me in the position of feeling out of order by guilt association.

        Persoanlly I though you were out of order in the context of the post, by skipping over any opinion of the actual subject of the post, and picking out one little part and making a big deal out of it. What Linda was getting at is the averge stereotypical opposition to making a stand about battery hen welfare is the cost of eggs and meat, and how they can't afford what in reality is a very small amount of extra money to do the right thing, then they jump in fairly new new car, go on expensive holidays, buy £100 trainers, etc....I assumed you'd know what she was getting at, in questioning the average persons priorities.

        But if you're sure you wern't, at didn't get it thats fine and I stand corrected.

        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #49
          Originally posted by TonyN View Post
          Persoanlly I though you were out of order in the context of the post, by skipping over any opinion of the actual subject of the post, and picking out one little part and making a big deal out of it. What Linda was getting at is the averge stereotypical opposition to making a stand about battery hen welfare is the cost of eggs and meat, and how they can't afford what in reality is a very small amount of extra money to do the right thing, then they jump in fairly new new car, go on expensive holidays, buy £100 trainers, etc....I assumed you'd know what she was getting at, in questioning the average persons priorities.

          But if you're sure you wern't, at didn't get it thats fine and I stand corrected.

          Firstly, I'll apologise in part. I can understand what you mean by the latter part of that paragraph. I will admit though, that one comment has given me two days of being in a foul, (no pun intended), mood. Hence why I'm only just replying at this silly time of the morning, again.

          Honestly though, especially being from what was a mining town until recent memory, there used to be a hell of a lot of people who flogged their guts out working down the mines who lived in council estates, and for the reason that they could ne'er afford anything better, or were just simply content with their lot. I'm not saying most of 'em weren't rough as 'owt mind, but they were dependable and good, honest people as a rule.

          I can see you're point regarding the fact that he's brought the subject into the limelight. As you say, every little helps. With the likes of people like that, however, I'll be honest. It's the fact that the compassion is not genuine. Trying to highlight a cause, in part to boost their own ratings/viewings/earnings/popularity, (or whatever the reason behind it), is one of the worst hypocrisies there is. Especially when you consider the subject they're using to bolster themselves. But, as you say, at least it is highlighting the fact that the problem exists, so it has made some bearing.

          Anyhows, I'm back to being all chilled again now. Apologies if I have caused offence, btw. There's ne'er an excuse for doing that.


          • #50
            Your still a long haired scrotey gimp.
            Only joking keep your hair on.


            • #51
              Good morning all I love chickens, ducks, geese, coots, moor hens you name it I will eat it.

              I worry about open free range poultry farming but don't agree with animal cruelty in any form.

              So I don't think letting the we feathered cluckers out to roam free is the answer.

              Well red kites to name but a few of the species which were persecuted to almost extinction have suffered in the past. One of the reasons for shutting the chicks in was to protect them from pine martens etc.

              If we let the chickens run free how do we protect them from the wild life.
              As the chicken farmers try to protect the chickens then so will the persecution of the wild life start again, with snaring trapping and poisoning still rife today. How do we proceed.

              Many many pheasant pens and shoots were disolved because it was too labour intensive trying to keep the poults safe from preditors. Now that the wildlife "again red kites as an example" are back up to healthy figures there is a real danger of the birds being persecuted again.

              I don't know what the answer is maybe little ensuite rooms or something, bigger beds and more floor space for the wee chicks whatever happens it will have to mean more expense to the consumer but I hope it isn't at the expense to our wild life.

              well except the fox but don't hang him by the neck on a "cheese wire" just shoot him.

              Only something I have been mulling over. No offence is meant or intended by the publication of this post it is not meant to provoke anger, sadness rage or cause fox lovers to have panic attacks.

              Cheers JB
              Last edited by Highlander1; 26 January 2008, 11:59.
              www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


              • #52
                Originally posted by Highlander1 View Post
                Good morning all I love chickens, ducks, geese, coots, moor hens you name it I will eat it.

                I worry about open free range poultry farming but don't agree with animal cruelty in any form.

                So I don't think letting the we feathered cluckers out to roam free is the answer.

                Well red kites to name but a few of the species which were persecuted to almost extinction have suffered in the past. One of the reasons for shutting the chicks in was to protect them from pine martens etc.

                If we let the chickens run free how do we protect them from the wild life.
                As the chicken farmers try to protect the chickens then so will the persecution of the wild life start again, with snaring trapping and poisoning still rife today. How do we proceed.

                Many many pheasant pens and shoots were disolved because it was too labour intensive trying to keep the poults safe from preditors. Now that the wildlife "again red kites as an example" are back up to healthy figures there is a real danger of the birds being persecuted again.

                I don't know what the answer is maybe little ensuite rooms or something, bigger beds and more floor space for the wee chicks whatever happens it will have to mean more expense to the consumer but I hope it isn't at the expense to our wild life.

                well except the fox but don't hang him by the neck on a "cheese wire" just shoot him.

                Only something I have been mulling over. No offence is meant or intended by the publication of this post it is not meant to provoke anger, sadness rage or cause fox lovers to have panic attacks.

                Cheers JB
                No offence taken you have a right to your oppinion. And yes in a way you are right and thier is better ways off keeping the chooks in side like not so many in the same space and give them something to do like footballs ect. Its just a few off us on hear have chooks and some also like linda take in and look after battery hens so you can see were we are coming from in a way. And in the end the only problem we had was the comments about hugh. And you now how to put your oppinion across without offence mate.


                • #53
                  Hi mitsy

                  I used to have 7 chickens all had names and the kids loved them like family pets till the fox got them. They would be out during the day and always went in at 430pm but the old fox decided to visit early one day and that was that. Once he got one the rest were doomed.

                  Cheers JB
                  www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Highlander1 View Post
                    Hi mitsy

                    I used to have 7 chickens all had names and the kids loved them like family pets till the fox got them. They would be out during the day and always went in at 430pm but the old fox decided to visit early one day and that was that. Once he got one the rest were doomed.

                    Cheers JB
                    Thats awful mate i think we would be devastated if it happened to our,s as you do start seeing them as part off the family. Ever thought about having more then.


                    • #55
                      Now that we have Keeshwas our European Eagle owl it wouldn't be possible he likes well anything that moves.

                      Cheers JB
                      www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Highlander1 View Post
                        Now that we have Keeshwas our European Eagle owl it wouldn't be possible he likes well anything that moves.

                        Cheers JB
                        Wow no way y havnt you post some pics of him dude.


                        • #57
                          I haven't been on here for a few days as I was so upset by some of the opinions on this thread.

                          However I did not intend to cause offence to working class people, those who are poor, nor those living in council accomodation. If my comments offended anyone then I wholeheartedly appologise.

                          My comments were directly related to two things.

                          1. Slugmans comment on this thread about some people not being able to afford to eat free range chicken
                          2. The self proclaimed "working class mum" living in a council house, wearing acrylic nails and smoking a fag, next to her very nice car on Hugh's program, saying how she struggles to get by on benefit and certainly cant afford an extra £2 for a chicken that has been raised in decent conditions.

                          As people were stating strong opinions on the programs I assumed they had watched them and would understand the reference, but I guess not.

                          One other thing... I don't care about Hugh, or anyone elses motivation.... even if it is money...if it does change opinion then it is worth it IMHO.

                          Highlander1 - The free range farm where we stay in Cornwall has huge barns with pop holes the length of them. Each 2000 chicken barn has 1.5 acre field surrounding it where the chickens have access dawn to dusk. It is fenced round with strands of electric fencing - about 10 strands 6 " apart. The chooks all look very healthy and happy, and the farmer obviously finds it profitable enough. Electric fencing is not fox proof but it is the best fox deterrant around.
                          PS- would LOVE to see a pic of the owl!!!



                          • #58
                            have just read this thread and ...wow !!

                            it obviously still means that intensive farming is a very sore subject and is liable to open up many a heated debate.im very lucky to live in a semi rural area so all of our meat (for the last ten years) has come from a local farm nearby.

                            and as a by the biggest producer of greenhouse gases(and methane) are more than likely bacteria,no one knows for sure, but as there are about 100 trillion tons of bacteria in the world quietly respirating ...its their fault
                            Non intercooled nothing.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Mitsy View Post
                              Your still a long haired scrotey gimp.
                              That's not nice..................

                              I'm not a scrote.

                              Originally posted by Mitsy View Post
                              Only joking keep your hair on.
                              With hair that's this damned gorgeous, no fear of me losing it.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Linda View Post
                                As people were stating strong opinions on the programs I assumed they had watched them and would understand the reference, but I guess not.
                                Must admit, I very rarely watch T.V these days. It's soooooooooo bl00dy depressing and hypocritical, (or just plain old bunkum), most of the time.

                                p.s: Apologies for my misconstruing your intended meaning Linda.

